
Local ip of Rosa


Saturday 01/10
9:30 coffee tea chit chat
10:00 start-up and get going
Documentation Estafette - parallel groups -part 1

Short chapter decriptions
Use Rosa or not
Who do we want to talk to (audience) - linked to localies

pad to application text: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/CoSF

-> Varia https://octomode.vvvvvvaria.org/chapter-soft-structure-varia/pdf/ (user: octomode, password: spider)
-> Hypha
-> Lurk

11:15 break
11:30 continue 
12:30 lunch
D pocumentation Estafette - parallel groups -part 2
-> Insert 1
-> esc
-> Feminist Hack Meetings
17:00 Stop
Starting from 18:00
🌮🌯🫓 Intergenerational Tortilla Auberge Espagnol - flat bread Pot luck @ Chaussee de Jette 🫓🌯🌮
Bring/prepare food stuffs to put into tortilla's & drinks
~~~ we will provide the Masa Harina ~~~ make your own corn flour tortilla's ~~~ 

Sunday 02/10
9:30 coffee tea chit chat
10:00 Insert 2
11:00 break
Documentation Estafette
On Rosa - going meta!
12:30 lunch
Rosa install party with auto documentation/verification
15:30 Final round-up & touch base
17:00 Stop


FLOSS method
work of a week to produce the manual (finishing with printed copy, made with a wiki system)
you have one topic and gather people on a different scale of experience and knowledge in relation to that topic -> that's what we have here today (01/10)
the goal is not to produce a hard copy tomorrow night but we can still use some of the elements of the methodology
good question to ask -> who do we want to talk to with that documentation? -> it varies from one chapter to the other 
what about a group that maps the documentation? for ppl to find their way in the documentation


> audience question: is it in relation to locality? is it about linking the different audiences of the different chapters to the potential audience of the documentation output?
> publication question : does it become a publication and when ( tomorrow or afterwards? )

what happened in this chapter
who was the chapter oriented towards
what were the urgencies
role and perspective 
+narrate from different points of view / voices ( from the point of view of organizer, router, food, newcomer...)
+less creation of new data, more recapping.

~10 minutes per chapter and rotate?

split up, accessible story telling
bridge intentions / live / eval

Oct  1 11:18:05 rosa sshd[54504]: Failed password for l03s from port 47846 ssh2
Oct  1 11:18:35 rosa sshd[54504]: Accepted password for l03s from port 47846 ssh2
I have been exposed as having no memory :/ 

what happened in this chapter
who was the chapter oriented towards
what were the urgencies
role and perspective 
+ narrate from different points of view / voices ( from the point of view of organizer, router, food, newcomer...)
+ less creation of new data, more recapping.
+ list the pads per chapter

01 - VARIA
*what happened in this chapter
*who was the chapter oriented towards
*what were the urgencies
*role and perspective 
+narrate from different points of view / voices ( from the point of view of organizer, router, food, newcomer...)
+less creation of new data, more recapping.

varia was the kick off
we try to imprint how we were working from before
weekly meetings with dinner, gathering, enjoying
tried to organise the two days around these things 
evryone was invited, opened up for people of outside of the obvious networks

we wanted to open it up more 
due to covid it was hard to make it happen
that's why it stayed more among us, but
it got us the opportunity to know each other
quite tight schedule, not time to reflect

we organised the days through 3 different threads, topics , tools
*dealing with languages in rosa, 
*dealing with octomode as a tool; resonant tentacular publishing 
* consent concerns: what it means to be together, sharing a space as rosa

in the first chapter we tried to prepare a minimun of things that can be taken from the other chapters, like octomode, a file system
* trying to prepair a minimum of things that can be taking on by the other chapters 
* The chapter functioned a lot like the bootstrapping of the project, preparing all the different elements needed by all other chapters as well (folds, file sharing, octomode, preparing Rosa for traveling with a custom made pocket). 
* preparing rosa for her travelling, making protective clothing

*we had a listenning workshop in the second day (a protocol from sombody else)
*we did the buddy system: ppl had the chance to have one person and get to know well each other
* consent variation regarding photography; everyone could do their own consent variation (yes in group not individual picture for instance)
it became a bit complex as a system and it became quite difficult to make a photograph :-)
spent a lot of time thinking about the infrastructure fo rthe publication which became the material for the two days - that's why the script were tought of. The script was thought to de-center from the 'speaker' of a table; instead the whole table would figure out the script
*how we invited and who we invited: for us it is important to bridge to other cultural organisations in rotterdam
Have conversations and build bridges with other cultural/art organisations. 
because of space restrictions we coudl only invite 10 ppl
- nieuwe instituut was there (who else?)
having people not part of the consortium so to extend the conversations within/to networks others than the consortium
The scripts on each table were 'scores' of what could be done at each table. 

Q: What will be the focus of Varia's documentation? 
A: Write a story of what we did and why we did it. Combined with more technical documentation.
Realising that there's not a lot of time ot make that documentation; that's where the scripts come from, easy to publish afterwards
We tried to provide a walk through (manuel?) so  that scripts can be taken by others
how does it come together, how can it be followed; so when rosa arrives at a next place it was easy for the next group to continue; 
-> available, mediated, 

few months afterwards a reflection moment was recorded
we recorded the conversation and transcribed that, this is part of the documentation

Q: varia has the notes of the conversations; unsure if the conversations should be literally transcripted or light editing or ...
Combination of editing hands but mostly light editing; 
what standards should the documentation (publication) meet ? 
Reflection combined with snippets of etherpad content from during the chapter. 

who was this chapter oriented to:
    the first layer other self-organised spaces in nl
    self-organised initiatives outside

what are the urgencies:
    having rosa running
    really connect with organisatoins that want to share these practices, cultural organisations eg Cultural Workers Unite, Salwa, Niteshop. Salwa is a foundation that works with migrant artists, network of Arab (mostly) artists, thinking of collaborating with them in more projects. 
    alice and cristina were there from the beggining to have first urgencies--> 
Opportunity for Varia to come up with a common language and common ground for discussions was very important. Groups they feel close to but not in a digital infrastructural perspective. 
a particular desire to connect to Roumanian, Greek contexts (but this is an overall ATNOFS goal, not for Varia).
Overal ATNOFS goal is to make the network between involved organisations stronger. Alice and Cristina had the wish to connect to Romania and Angeliki and Artemis to Greece.
Q: without funding would there have been a connection ?
A: there is no funding for this stuff from greece. 
The relation was already there. But it would not have been possible in this form.
For local groups there is also considerations about institutional funding, which they sometimes resist.
The project started with connections between people and organisations that already knew each other, already connected. It's not always interesting to 'visit the same ports'? ... 
It is interesting to see that urgencies we work with in our networks now aligns with certain EU policies, especially for orgs in south and east with limited resources. The Cosf fund didn't require match funding but you do only receive the full amount after the project reports have been filed, so orgs need to have some financial buffer to be able to afford this. 
Also writing the funding application requires a certain buffer in terms of time.

02 - LURK
what happened in this chapter
who was the chapter oriented towards
what were the urgencies
role and perspective 
+narrate from different points of view / voices ( from the point of view of organizer, router, food, newcomer...)
+less creation of new data, more recapping.


The workshop was also in Varia; no one from Lurk is present now but a few ppl here have participated in the workshop
Wwelelll .....
chapter was about..

Roel, Lidia and Aymeric invited grassroots communities to work on mastodon servers and communities.
They had sent out a call for proposals to select a few of these people so to work intensenly with these groups which had to have their mastodon instance already installed; the workshop was more about what happens after. How do you manage a community, what type of security concerns/questions; what they encounter while installing their instance.
And then there was a discussion in the small groups how they managed, and reflect together on that.
There was a focus on the hometown fork of mastodon, with specific features that are more interesting for this type of communities. ( local timeline foregrounded, ... )

The two days were really focused on these instances, lurk would have to answer to questions from ppl which had something to do with their own instances
they responded to questions they brought themselves.
LURK shared their own experiences which is pretty solidified after so many years
that was a bit overwhelming because of the quantity, it seemed like a lot of tasks, labour ;.. 
that this was a bit discouraging for small groups, was regreted by the organisers, but on the other hand, it is also good t oshow that yhere is a lot of stuff involved in running an instance. 
if you don't share all the details, you run the risk that after 6 months a server might not continue because they are not aware of how much work is actually involved
work lies in... moderation + emotional work + feeding from and to the community + ... 
considering projects that have been turned off after a year or two, facing the work it means..
"we go where the dankest memes are"
you can't bootstrap a community from scratch if you don't have the community
They didn't feel the urgency, being on twitter
some users did not manage to continue a new community, but ended up passing over to larger mastodon instances or lurk..
Was the threshold for entering too high ? because the requirement was to have mastodon hometown installed... 
In teh documentation there is attention for organisational and decision making models.
not very techy, the technical part was supposed to have happened before.
FHM was interested in having some guidance, advice around the community guidelines for an instance, as FHM have their own instance (not hometown but still)
Q: any instance that continued after the workshop 
the 'korean' instance seems to be still up
feminist server in georgia was initiated two days after the workshop, it was granted and will start soon.

in the announcement of the workshop, there is no reference to atnofs, they only mention that it was funded by the EUC

There was no use of rosa and the subject of feminist server was not addressed.
so the relation to the other chapters was more complicated then between the other chapters;
they tried to use the rosa pads, but the rosa pads were not working so they switched to varia pads
This could/should be discussed with Roel/ Aymeric / Lidia
They are following up with the related projects with a questionaire.
They could have been here to work on the documentation? apperently there are practical obstructions, they could not come or various reasons.

Q: where there other people present in the workshop who did not install ?
A: no :-) it was a hard requirement in the call. it is nice that you don't have to do the introductions....

urgencies ?
- how does ot work
- how is it federated

in Thf workshop calafou there was also a mastodon workshop
- code of conduct, labour, community, 
this text was passed on from the Lurk workshop, but it was not followed up because their focus was more technical.

03 - HYPHA

what happened in this chapter
who was the chapter oriented towards
what were the urgencies
role and perspective 
+narrate from different points of view / voices ( from the point of view of organizer, router, food, newcomer...)
+less creation of new data, more recapping.

The organisers are not here unfortunately
Hypha will be 'rich'

that was also one of the ficusses of the session, Hypha was busy with wondering how to structure their type of work ,
sergiu and anca wondering how to start structuing the types of work which didn't have much space in Roumania, 

Goal was to try to connect activism and art contexts

it was good that there were people from varia, constant were there - at different stages of structuring of the organisations
so possibility to share experiences on an institutional level; how we manage to pay ourselves or not... 
how they manage to pay themselves or not, what schemes are there
how they relate to the activist networks they are part of, are around them
a lot was on Mastodon, question on what could be a useful tool
there was a question of what was a usefull tool
connecting with the milieus around, mostly anti-eviction housing groups, anarchist feminist spaces
mastodon was suitable, also to take activists off of facebook 
also facing the reality; how realistic is it? maybe  away to federate ppl from the network in other cities 

second day was more practical; requested by the people interested to join
privacy online, how to communicate safely
discussions around VPN; VPN zine, they looked at the zines of Mara
Nature of work there quite sensitive, need for privacy very urgent, hence focus on VPN and tor.
anarchist ressources (whether foreign or roumanian)
history of repression of anarchist groups during communist times in romania
Many notions of safety
Right now many use Facebook. Mastodon would be heavy load for one technical person. 
small scene of activist networks
main urgency was to get together and figure out their communalities, what they can do together. A group chat on signal was the frst thing. 
Event space, has also anarchist library in the back, used for diverse things. This is the space https://filaret16.ro/
How did Rosa feature at Hypha? 
example of serv practices that are more local; showed the work and particular attention it needs 

some of the urgencies are described here: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/pads/april10.raw.html
one of the days happened in the park: no computer day! but this also means no notes :( but high security! and icecream?

       /        \      <--- pistachio         that's it           bananas
       |        |                               strawberry               apples
       /'---'--`\       <--- pistachio                 mango           bread & spreads
      |          |      <--- pistachio         it's enough             orange juice
      \.--.---.-./                                                waaaaaaaater
      (_.--._.-._)       <--- pistachio                                          

one of the more difficult things was to get people to join
Generally we underestimate how many resources have to be put in communication, making connection is a lot of work
Not everywhere it is evident that we work throughout a whole weekend. 
How do we justify people travelling through europe only for 2 days.

04 - ESC 
esc chapter pads for notes during the session:

rosa log (from 10th June)

files ESC:

current state of dokumentation:

- getting context of feminist servers
esc wants to observe artistic practices; processes of making art - esc is about documenting processes
observe the emerging of the feminist server - what ppl expected from a feminist server 
introduce local ppl to rosa - some people were not familiar with the concept - esc tried to explain who is rosa & how it was created - they introduced rose how to use (command line etc) 
* small workshop on politics of technology 
* sharing of knowledge, opinions, discussions
share knowledge opinions and discuss these
* then more hands-on  where ppl discussed what they wanted to do with rosa 
* a chat was installed for the command line - we change the error page so ppl know what to do in case of problem - change of the language of the pads ("what is time")
* imaginative design workshop: what do we want to achieve in the end and how can we apply this in working envirenments ? 
* nina was organising things; a bit confusing sometimes in hindsight it was maybe a bit too general... self-evaluation ...
* visit mur.at, eat pizzas - meet systerserver.net (reinstall debian on jean)
INSERT  https://www.ooooo.be/etherhtml/e2h.php?link=pad.constantvzw.org/p/atnofs-insert&STYLE&BTN&customcss=//www.ooooo.be/panpanpan/doc.css

Q: what are examples of the politics of technology ?

different kind of approaches; about censorship; very abstract terms came up such as discussions around time in relation to feminism
feminist time and context

Good approache to get ppl to discuss? yes (answer from a participant, W.)
we worked often in duo's, we elaborated on a topic with people who we didn't know, then bring this back to the group. that allows to dive deep into a topic? 
aim to make possible to start a discussion with one person and really get into it so that it's not too hard to participate in like in a big group conversation. 
The method also allows people who are shy to speak in a large group to talk. 

Q: Was there a specific audience in head when organising ?
At esc we wanted more people to enter into contact with what a felinist server could be, but in the end it was mostly the crowd of es. We gfound it difficult to get people in who were not already included. 
Q: missed something from ATNOFS in general? 
I think that connection to the outside world was missing. The meetings ended up in the same context, it would be nice to bring in other perspectives. 

We also visited Mur.at, we heard about pizza boxes, which are bare metal machines, :-) we received an introduction on how these autonomous servers are running. Systers server was installing a debian [...]
It was good to meet another autonomous server. 
It was good to travel together and get to know places and people. 

Insert tried to make a model of mur.at finances here -> https://www.ooooo.be/etherhtml/e2h.php?link=pad.constantvzw.org/p/atnofs-insert&STYLE&BTN&customcss=//www.ooooo.be/panpanpan/doc.css

We started the meetings with some body work. The first day alternated between working with Rosa; this needs re-introduction every time, it is important. Than we alternated with speculative moments where also other artists came to join. 

feels like rosa always needs a re-intrduction
wanting to make possible for people to join at any moment; trying to make things flexible but which meant that it got messy 
It is kind of tough to have to give the info everytime somebody joins. We learned that it is good that everybody joining has received the onformation beforehand. 

there was also an exhibition at that moment in esc that was called Perfect body; nice to have installations, funny to try some activation within that space

the visit to Mur.at was incredible
to hear how they find funding and make the project relevant for local politics.
trying to get access to the server when you arrive, always difficult moment which led to the audio experiment
We were wondering why it is always so hard to get access to a server ?
it was only at the end of the last day that it becamen playful. we needed another day. 
we played with audio, 
having beers, place with the cables, matrasses on the door as sound insulation, 
to see the compilation of pizza boxes all in one room; touch the internet! it is strong
they don't have high speed internet! projections because of the many cables 
the last 100m is a copper cable 
Mur.at doesn't have highspeed internet, it is connected to the university network. 
For syster and anarcha server we
systerserver  has two servers at mur.at, we upgraded;  first timte to be in an actual server place; more practical to upgrade in the room next to the server than remotely 
there is support from the sysadmins
visit to the key museum, intersting private collection throughout the centuries. Even esc people didn't know that the museum existed, they think ooooo were the first to come to graz to visit the museum :-)
Q: any continuation after ATNOFS: reni mentions she wants to continue on working; many ideas and point of view to work further on; ideas to apply to the server. Reni to set up feminist server meetings; very drafty idea, don't know yet how it's gonna continue 
Esc wants to continue having meetings about feminist servers. Not sure how, but it will happen
Q: is installing rosa or playing with rosa a common thread among all the chapters
No, it differed throughout chapters. 

what happened in this chapter
who was the chapter oriented towards
what were the urgencies
role and perspective 
+narrate from different points of view / voices ( from the point of view of organizer, router, food, newcomer...)
+less creation of new data, more recapping.
first day was about publishing and alternative media
wordmord - a group that works around violence against lgbtq+ and women


Feminist Hack Meeting - WordMord https://tube.systerserver.net/w/mn19B8g5gFAggbtcr2j2Pe
Feminist Hack Meeting - Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices https://tube.systerserver.net/w/mn19B8g5gFAggbtcr2j2Pe
Feminist Hack Meetings - jingle https://tube.systerserver.net/w/tmVhvAZUiFz1D4rbtev4ou


https://flossmanuals.net/ http://leslaboratoires.org/en/ctxnode/270/37

[fhm need Open Collective as well]
wanting to connect with local initiative and to think together relationships between the technical and the activist practices 
4 colectives were invited but only two managed to join to present their tools of work 
Only 2 were able to join, they were already in contact with them. 
First day was about publishing, alternative media and collective wordmord; they're investigating cases of violence and the ways they're been spoken about in the medias; one case of feminicide initiated their practice; feminicide as a word got more attention in Greece, it was not really used before
femicide became more public. Wordmord is doing research around this. TEchnical tools to deconstruct language. Encryption and decryption of legal pdf's, how to include the word 'feminicide' in legal documents. 
Intention was to talk about different ways of publishing;  mostly online
Second part of first day was about peertube and mastodon. Only one person wanted to do a mastodon install. They chose to approach it more generally. The first part of the days was mostly in Greek (presentations), translating it in English after/during. Workshops (second part) in English.

Second day was about toolings with a group of feminist academics. They introduced their methods and introduced their programmer of their mapping tool.
and mapping
The academics didn't have access to how the tool was build, couldn't change it much, only add new points in map. They proposed to bring the programmer to the meeting. He didn't share the source code, only the manual of the framework they used to build it. 
What were your challenges in your relation to the group? Little time and little budget. 
To find a space was very dificult, this space was from a duo of performers. 
ppl from their own network also came; so not only people who knew about the project
a member of a feminist group came because they want to install their own instance of mastodon 
Need for a tool to report and publish about violence against women that is not twitter. 
Speculative workshop: ... how you identify as art project (if you want to remain anonymous)
How can you imagine a feminist tool, also referring back to Rosa (reused questions from the rosa pad)
wanting for a long time to have a space in Athens, trying to find funding to occupy a space for a year to organise workshops 
there's a lack of education in the art department, technology AI, ...
help was asked from feminist groups ..
2019 in Athens there was Eclectic Tech Carnival - after this, a group of people wanted to continue on similar subjects. they tried to find a space for a few monts, but because of covid everything slowed down and the connection was lost.
ETC 20+ years, connecting to specific contexts, ... 
quite some people, diverse group, affiliations with xpub, network around calafou, 
superyoung and superold :-)
academics doing feminist work, but they don't frame it as such
A tutor in greece mentioned that if she would frame a course as feminist software, male students wouldn't come, so she preferred to talk about it as queer.

continuation: the distance helps (organisers being in netherlands) ideologically, financially, no permanence in spaces that can be relied on.
the space where the event happened had a problem with the wifi, so they used a hotspot
for documenting the pads were not so used; in preparation yes

also made a glossary: which terms did you understand, which not

documentation will be in 2 languages; transcripts will be included from the speculative workshop and the presentations

context was interesting (e.x who participated, what are the urgencies), For the documentation, I think you should not be shy to explain who was there and why, the necessities are very particular, explain the connections/ relationships. it would be nice to share that--
some urgencies from before were 'waiting' to be explored. Those present want to continue working with FHM. A lot of enthusiasm to continue.

had a facebook event, 180 people were interested and 60 were coming, but of course this did not happen. possibility that people clocked attend/interested in order to support the further spreading of the event.
Feminist public practices (name of group of academics present)
Q: the academic group, were they aware of the lack of knowledge or communities around feminist practices?
Yes; they know but they're working very hard to make their projects, to be recongnized and not letting the institutions unvalidating them 
undervalidation of women work internalised , 
selfcritique on mapping, teh collectifs were not all participating, 
the intention is there, was stimulated through the project -
if you're interested in an activsit group you have to be part of it

activist groups do not accept funding, neither public or private. this on ideological grounds

groups supporting themselves with community work instead of funding (Onassis, private fund)
funding in Greece for arts is only for legal entities / NGO's
not for indivdiual artists
it is nice to speak in your language

06 Insert - ooooo
What ooooo introduced was overlapping with what Marloes introduced 
how server and their infrastructure are running - also the financial part of having these infrastructure
model on how inst. are maintaining their digital infrastructure (sustanaibility question)
mapping system using pads to graphviz
>>> https://www.ooooo.be/etherhtml/e2h.php?link=pad.constantvzw.org/p/atnofs-insert&STYLE&BTN&customcss=//www.ooooo.be/panpanpan/doc.css
>>> https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/atnofs-insert
interview done with Andreas from mur.at; interest to have an interview from the different partners - chapters
it's graphic kind of visualisation
there is a syntax that can be written to change how nodes ar visualized, etc [ https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/atnofs-insert ]
[this tool reminds me of graphviz] it is! just generating on the fly from pads instead of text files :) :o

how far do we really want to go to numbers?
I didnt go so far

at mur.at very very few physical machines are hosted, one of the few is syster server.
otherwise they try to rely on virtualization

another one we did was a conversation with Lidia from lurk. They work with Open Collective
recurrent donations

at lurk, open collective is a mean to get money and pay others, when there is no legal structure.
financial method: a fiscal host in the US.
https://opencollective.com/  >> https://opencollective.com/lurk
how to make financial income to pay maintenance work for infrastructure.

are we interested to make a model around rosa? 
how we are going to pay for it?
similar model for several rosas? 
do we want to have the absolute data?

what is the use of it? what is the interest for people
we've been talking a lot about feminist servers but if we want to make sustainable practices this is useful knowledge 
the insert will join the publication/website, as a tracing of the different setups. (with octoviz?!)

this is the internal kitchen (vintage reference) of the digital infrastructures, how people sustain their infrastructures, what can we learn from it and sustain ourselves
started to do different models of alternative systems (which are often opaque)
'pink pot' for alternative economies
'yellow flow'

[fhm needs these alternative economies]

tension with the person that developed this tool
'comrade license' --- to be able to develop with the developer 

the ETC (eclectic tech carnival) was a way to sustain the systerserver
it is donation based

no documentation of anarchaserver’s financial structure, because it is mostly based on volunteering and donations and not really sustainable …

the transparency of that gives insight for the continuation of the feminist server and sustain the idea and evaluate better, to learn

constant services are used in educational environments

digital sustainability is a big idea for bigger organisations as well. There is a lot about costs, investment

feminist server umbrella

is it about self definition-- I am a feminist server
or if they support feminist content
it is not only identifying, but if their ways or practice are feminist

constant invited collectives that are ot identified as feminists but there is a common sense of caring etc
constant anbiguous full on
we pay two people to do tasks
another relationship/role in the content

[I miss the key 'N' in my keyboard so it will may be missing in the text :P]

Varia: there was the question whether varia is a feminist server or not; rosa brought this question
small conversations i subgroups but we never had this as a whole group discussion
we are 20 people and for now we have not decided
do we need to reach a consensus on this?

we ask a lot of questions, questions are asked questions

this is the difference between rosa and other servers: with organisation servers, there a lot of stuff running in the server but we cannot define everything as feminist; with rosa, we know who is around

not everything can be under the same umbrella

07 Marloes 

Has spoken to each of the chapters last year; how each chapter approache the environmental impact of their infrastructure 
picking up on what stood out and what are the common points
answers were differentfor everyone but with  similarity too 
working on a phd; one of the outcomes is the Damaged Earth Catalog-> a wiki to write the whole earth catalog very differently
we are but humans and might as well get used to it
instead of focusing on tools, to look at approached
trying to see how we're not repeting history (too much)
after doing this for a bit as research, found a lot of terms coined by dudes not connected to actual practices, but sometimes appearing from a void; almost like a meme; each of the chapters have community practices that exist and have developed over the years; they do not have a name so there is no space claimed for it
what she would like to do is to tease out a term from each of the chapters
claiming of a space to discuss certrian practices alongside others who are already comfortably taking space
Each chapter to coin new terms to claim space and discuss collective practices
Damaged Earth Catalog https://damaged.bleu255.com/

Question about Constant's approach to documentation: Constant documentation = documenting the documenting? Focus on installing Rosa as material.


Ideas for tomorrow (10.00 - 15.30)

Insert 2: Marloes continues the interviews with FHM and Constant
Insert 1: discussion on sustainability models for servers (ooooo with Varia & Constant)

10:00 -12:00
first blok

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 16:00
second block

(mapping wall)
Project 1 - print the pads and make a metacoding mapping wall: trace topics over different pages/ activities, pattern-recognition, see what emerges from this activity.Log Olivier's practice, sharing interesting methodologies for documenting.

- (accounts)
Give people who want an account, an account :)

- (installation of another Rosa) 

- (documentation of rosa)
microdocumentation of the different aspects; express the reasons of why seomthing is done in a certain way in rosa (error pages, aliases+language, octomode publishing, self-announcing, tunneling, ... )

- (octomode)
- make octomode into a package; who is rosa and which properties constitute them as feminist server
introduction on how to use octomode - https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/octomode

- (discussion about the publication): 
    Discuss content structure: soft structure scafolding, adaptable. How to handle inserts? How to mark finished chapters on Rosa? (magic words? if they work)
 (there is a small budget for printing, also Anca is part of Fractalia, interested in small publication) Where would pdf be hosted? Everywhere :)

- (editorial intro) 
Editorial introduction? do we want to do something collective such a recorded conversation.. or some intro of sorts that can be picked up by the editorial team

- (after rosa) - what will happen to rosa after the project ends