
often used as one person asking permission to another
what are words to describe mutual consent?
specially in relation to rosa, which travels, there is movement, there is change
think beyond the figure of the user
how do you listen in the server when the server is traveling?
how do you think of consent, when someone who will be part of it is not here yet?

link back to the wall experiments
nice to feel the presence of not being along in a space

also nice to enter the server with a question in mind
The first time i logged in, it said: "real man never backup" [welcome lol]

also the question of sudo
we decided to have sudo all together, which is quite a decision
will this change when the server travel to another place?
how do you keep everyone informed, while the server travels?

the idea of a dialect is nice
the new aliases have become a dialect

you can use 2 aliases for the same command
yes and no!

another alias that was made: "deviate" directory, so: $ deviate /var/

switching commands and aliases
cat & cd was swapped for example

in relation to the alias workshop...
when we say something, we do not naturally agree with what it means
depower of words
what is the exacutional power of words? how can we rethink that
to go away from "it works" and "it does not work", let's instead reflect on it and see it as a new beginning

discussion around visualising what is happening in the server?
to show when the server stops, because sometimes it has a hard time to connect to the pad
which is a moment of pause, and talk about other things ;)
we talked about alternative or poetic messages to replace the default 404 message
to change the language of what happens

temporal dimension: stopping for a while
how to deal with things that are not happening in the same time and moment
what is the potential of thinking of, in terms of reparation for example, of executing practices
how to think of that intersectionally?

in the consent group, we discussed how the server can respond to a breach of trust?
how to think of the words "breach" and "trust"
using safe words, like the magic words in the pads...
maybe we can insert pauses with a magic word, "stop trust"
stopping for a moment, for investigating and reparing

a pad is based on resolving conflicts
and it seems that we're writing together
is this about consent at all?
is this something linear?

in wiki's you can see conflicts  
in git you encounter conflicts
but in etherpad you don't notice anything about the conflicts
what means resolving if there are conflicts?
who is making the decision?

and we cannot delete pads
you can delete pads
possibilities of vandalism, if you make a tool to delete pads, you can delete each others pads
etherpads as fragile places, but there is not that much vandalism going on
in a conversation with Michael, an idea to put pads into hybernation emerged, a pad can go to sleep

tomorrow: listening workshop
and the time moves tonight....

Summary/recap of saturday
> consent: sharing repsonsability on consent, taking it outside of individuality > what is asking for permission? what does consent in a collective way look like — how do we relate to each other?
leaving space for experimentation, growing, not fixed
wrote collective text: how does it appear in rosa? 

> how does rosa change throughout time and space? how to recognise its situatedness and agreements as it changes contexts and people?

What happens when Rosa starts to travel?
building on the infrastructure and exercises of this chapter for the others

Making a snapshot and dublicate, making rosa2
Maybe it's good to make a back up? A zombie version
a version a day of rosa : varia as entry point 
Rosa is leaning on Varia for its online component, not for the local
maybe it's interesting to add another server to the hub of varia
which properties of Rosa we like and can be connected to other servers?
for example the octomode, it can be used by other servers
it's like using a property of rosa and reusing it elsewhere
> what is the agreement of what constitutes rosa? a part inside it, the whole server?
each server of a chapter adds to rosa, leaving local traces for rosa to take to other chapters, but rosa also giving to the local servers > a guide? what dialogue it comes 


every day a version of rosa
can rosa be the hub of a network? 
dialogue in between servers and rosa
rosa as a network or a network as rosa
can rosa become a hub
the restricted time of existence helps, in combination with a decentralised ending
rm *.*


if there are 3 will there be conflicts?
if rosa becomes a hub does it still travel?
maintenance after atnofs , is the role of rosa to stay?

Activities for the day

another thread for the afternoon: making a coat for rosa
continuing the thread of the traveling Rosa
continuing the alias table?
developing different types of lexicons, like a variation of bash
what logic do we follow to develop various aliases?
also to maybe add a reflection, to expand on the thinking of it
a small thing started yesterday, "kill" was changed into "end"
but actually the why question is the most interesting
coming up with putting into words why you would like to do this is maybe the most interesting
"slang" as a word to refer language patterns
vernacular as another term that can be used
maybe bash is already too vernacular? there are many jokes in there

cross reading and cross writing in the publication, how to translate it into this chapter
documentation exercise
the listening workshop with gabi also related a lot to the act of crossing/traversing
what is a tra(ns)versal publication
crossed usage of traversal and transversal
which one do we use? maybe the "official" one ;)

could it be interesting to work on legibility?
using the freshness of not being here yesterday as a mode of reading?

the threads for this afternoon:
- the traveling server, how does it traverse/change/..., how to maintain a thread [follow reni to the sun]
- hands on sewing session, making a coat of sorts for the server for when it travels [outside, maybe moving towards rib]
- continue the language conversation of yesterday [in varia]
- documentation thread: how to document and cross different threads? [in varia, other table]