How is Rosa a feminist server?
How does Rosa operate?
What does operate mean?
Does operate mean work?
Does work mean labour?
Is this labour paid?
Is this work around Rosa elitist or niche? Is it available for all?
Is niche the same as elitist?
Does getting to know Rosa involve commitment?
What barriers are there in making that commitment?
What makes us feel like we can trust each other?
Can we think of Rosa in plural?
How is Rosa different if it runs on the same software as other servers (who don't say they're feminist)?
What is the difference between a feminist server and a server maintained with feminist principles?
What is the difference between a community server and a feminist server?
Will rosa have time to go to rest/sleep?
What does it mean to personify Rosa?
Why is Rosa given the label of feminist?
How is Rosa intersectional?
How is personifying Rosa with a female name affecting our relationship with it?
Is Rosa only a female name?
Does Rosa have pronouns?
Could Rosa choose their own pronouns?
Can Rosa have characteristics without personification?
Can complex systems do stuff without personification?
What's the problem with personification?
What is the urgency to make Rosa?
How could one argue that Rosa is not a feminist server?
Is Rosa only software or hardware?
Is this division (software / hardware) binary?
What happens if you think otherwise?
How does Rosa relate to their environment?
Are there more extension cables?
Can I unplug something?
How can we relate/connect to a technical device as a server in different ways, with different knowledges?
How to make space for technical and other ways of shaping a server?
How to get away from that hierarchy?
How to intertwine different knowledges?
How to make sure there is still space for conversation about Rosa without splitting up?
How to respect and appreciate different skills?
How to do break away from the fear of technical work, while not overloading yourself in the meantime?
Is it a question of time?
How to not dismiss things as simply technical?
How to formulate this into a question?
Can publishing play a role in that?
Can dinners play a role in that?
What do you want for lunch?
Where are we having dinner this week?
Can I have breakfast now?
How to acknowledge the extractivist processes that have allowed Rosa to come to be?

~~~ We wonder about these things. ~~~

How can we make feminist server practices public?
How can we share our practices, through publishing?
How do we learn?
How can we develop feminist methods?
How can we make feminist technologies?
What is publishing?
What are feminist technologies?
Is feminism intrinsically about sharing?

~~~ In another moment... ~~~

What is the difference in terms of ecological footprint, between being part of a huge server and running a server from your own house?
Is it mostly about the practice of not relying on a service that is presented as efficient and
What is ecology?
What are we talking about when we say "ecological"?
Electricity? Hardware? Shipping things around the world? Fuel? Use of plastic? Resources used for microchips? Labour? 
Do we need information before we can talk about these questions?
How to deal with these questions when everything is interconnected?
We are borrowing this Raspberry Pi from a peer, we bought an electricity extension cord from Praxis... should we buy a hamster in a wheel to generate energy for us? Solar panels? Wind energy? (If we had a hamster in a wheel, wouldn't that be participating in another sort of extraction?/Be an animal rights issue? How is Rosa caring for multispecies?)

Rosa's variability, transformations and changes

Rosa is a feminist server that will travel to all the locations of the ATNOFS program, producing one chapter with each of the six partners of the project (Varia, Hypha, Lurk, esc, Feminist Hack Meetings, Constant). 

Rosa has been initiated by Manetta Berends, Cristina Cochior, amy pickles, Julia Bande and Alice Strete, during cosy Thursday evening dinners at our houses, between January and March 2022. It emerged from a mixture of motivations, including a wish to learn about system administration and servers in general, a wish to document server practices and share knowledge with political and cultural groups, and a wish to practice feminism in relation to technology by making tools and digital infrastructure. 

The wish to work on a feminist server under the name of Rosa has been around for the last two years, sparked by an unexpected financial donation to Varia. We thank the person a lot for this generosity! The name "Rosa" was chosen throughout this process, referring to Rosa Parks and Rosa Luxemburg.

“Our practical struggle become[s] what it must be: the realisation of our basic principles in the process of social life and the embodiment of our general principles in practical every day action. And only under these conditions do we fight in the sole permissible way for what is at any time ‘possible’." – Rosa Luxemburg

"Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.” – Rosa Parks

All participants of the ATNOFS chapters are welcome to use, modify, adapt, transform and change Rosa, keeping in mind that modifications should support the group as a whole. It's difficult to fully grasp what this means exactly, but we would like to see Rosa as part of the ATNOFS project, and the communities extending from it, and as such as a server in flux. 

The resonance board

This resonance board is a shared space which gathers and folds pads, messages and files hosted on Rosa. On the resonance board you can start a new pad, use octomode, use the shared file system, traverse the list of pads already created, read messages on the folding board, and browse the files that have been uploaded to the chapters folder.

To start a new pad, you can use the button pads. To list your pad on the resonance board, add the magic word `__PUBLISH__` in your pad. Only the pads with this magic word are listed in the resonance board. //info on other magic words generation?
New magic words can be added if they are all caps and have two underscores at the beginning and the end.

Each pad can also be opened in octomode, a collective PDF rendering environment. You can read more about octomode below.

Each pad can be folded and inserted into the resonance board in the folds section in the form of messages. Folds can be used to send updates, invite for editing, share questions, etc. To figure out how to send a message to the resonance board, you can follow the guidelines below for folds.

To add files, such as PDFs or images to the file browsing area, you can use the file manager that is installed on Rosa. You can find guidelines for working with the file manager below.

The resonance board is installed at: /srv/etherdump/. The HTML and CSS templates can be found at: /srv/etherdump/templates/. The resonance board is regenerated every 5 minutes.

How to make a new pad?

There are multiple ways to make a new pad. The easiest way to do it is by using this page: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/pad/. You can also make a pad by editing the URL directly: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/pad/p/YOURNEWPADNAMEHERE

If you want to add a pad to the resonance board, add __PUBLISH__ anywhere in your pad.

One etherpad is also often called a "pad". The software that is running is called etherpad-lite (https://etherpad.org/). 

The etherpad is installed at: /srv/etherpad-lite/. You can restart the etherpad with: `sudo service etherpad-lite restart`, or see its status with: `sudo service etherpad-lite status`.

How to use Octomode?

Octomode is a collective editing space for PDF making, using Etherpad, Paged.js and Flask.

If you want to work collectively on making a PDF, you can make a new octomode environment here: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/octomode/. You can write any name of in the input field, this will create a new octomode environment. 

Working in octomode includes:

When creating a new environment, a few things happen:

In case a pad was already made, you can copy the templates below and paste them at the top of your pads.

The PDFs are rendered using Paged.js (https://pagedjs.org/),  a free and open source JavaScript library "that paginates content in the browser to create PDF output from any HTML content. This means you can design works for print (eg. books) using HTML and CSS!"" The project is maintained by the Coko Foundation (https://coko.foundation/). Paged.js adds features to the CSS3 standards, expanding the possibilities to make lay outs for specific sections, place content in the margins of pages, and render indexes (amonst other things). The documentation is very ufesul and can be found here: https://pagedjs.org/documentation/.

Octomode is installed at: /srv/octomode/ and runs as a system user octomode. You can restart octomode with: `sudo service octomode restart`, or see its status with: `sudo service octomode status`. The code that is used for octomode (and slightly altered for Rosa) can be found here: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/octomode. Octomode resonates with other pad-to-pdf software practices, including: 

Octomode Markdown template

Octomode CSS template

How to use folds?

Folds are being relayed by the folding bot. The bot facilitates sending messages onto the resonance board. A message can briefly describe what is happening on the pad, or simply send a message to everyone else using the resonance board.

Folds can be called in the chat of any Rosa pad by starting a message with <fold>, followed by your message. The folded message will include your username, which you can select yourself at the top right of the pad.

The folding bot is installed at: /srv/folds/. You can restart the bot with: `sudo service folds restart`, or see its status with: `sudo service folds status`. The code that is used for the folding bot is based on code written by Michael Murtaugh and Manetta Berends shared during an Etherpad API session at XPUB.

How to use the file manager?

The file manager is a shared space to upload, download or manage files. You can find the file manager here: 

To log in, ask one of us [see names at the bottom of the rosa pad] for the username and password.

The software that is used is Tiny File Manager (https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/). 

The filemanager is installed at: /var/www/html/files.php. It is only one php script. To make sure that nobody deletes the filemanager by mistakes using the filemanager, we decided to hide the file from the filemanager itself.

How to understand the capacity and limits of Rosa?

System log:

To see all nginx requests:

To see all nginx errors:

To see processes that are running: 

To see the network bandwidth usage:

How to restart tools on Rosa?




folds bot


+ runs every 5 min, using a cronjob


+ runs every 5 min, using a cronjob

What happens to Rosa when travelling?
A brainstorm meeting on March 27 @varia

What happens to rosa when travelling? What are the agreements/things that change?
Rosa as person — naming, making “a person” 
> a decision already taken

> life and death — it has a deadline, not eternal 

Maintenance and caretaking — not an urgency, as no one is actually relying on — so it works more as a playground 

Historical context — rosa Luxembourg, rosa parks, multiple Rosas, history of resistance 
Changing names according to each chapter 
Rosa as plural, multitude of processes : an actuality and something not there / not yet arrived 

Beyond the stages of life and death — less linear , utopia that is always there
Travelling server/changes location 

legislation on server: jurisdisction / physical machine: what is legal/ilegal about it 
localisation of the internet / legal frameworks — VPN through varia / Rotterdam 

what is the history of Rosa — what is THIS Rosa resisting to? 
collective / travel log , back ups — also funtioning within the other documents and approaches: consent, glossary [lexicon]

the political gesture of allowing/accessing these questions 


* OPTIONS: collective log / backups, speculating backwards, keep the changes / multiple Rosas / Rosa as technical method
* WISHES: for Rosa to travel and let go / share experiences of creating Rosa / different media as storytelling / the snapshotting shall travel / that there is change / find good stories to tell / if 1 chapter runs into problems that there is support
* FEARS: that it stays in one single context / liquid [water tight jacket / uncertainties about hardware / lack of accessibility / letting go / runnnig out of time / upgrades 

Suggestion about ways of thinking about anti-colonial methods for studying/researching with groups from the CLEAR Lab & Max Liboiron: https://civiclaboratory.nl/methodological-projects/protocols-for-guests/

How is Rosa connected to the internet?

Rosa is connected to the internet through a VPS, a hidden private network that is currently only accessible through the Varia hub: https://hub.vvvvvvvaria.org.

See https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/pad/p/varia-hub-documentation for documentation.

And https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/chapters/varia/26-and-27-March-at-Varia/sm-P1100201.JPG for a mapping moment during the Varia chapter.