Welcome! __PUBLISH__

March 24
Changing the color scheme of the pads

Making sure that etherpad does not install dependencies at each restart
Many etherpad sessions were running....
Stopping all the processes of the etherpad-lite user.

It made us suspicious if etherpad is not running multiple times...
And well, actually yes!
In this folder:
There is both

Merging these two files into one, using the server.js and not the run.js:

After changing a .service file, reload the deamon.

Installing the headless/command line version of paged.js
To add a "save" function to octomode, saving a PDF to the system directly.
To install it:

Following the suggestions:
"After this operation, 506 MB of additional disk space will be used."
"E: Package 'chromium-browser' has no installation candidate"

Trying to install pagedjs again:
Trying to install the latest version of puppeteer, but npm is a totally new environment, so it's a bit like moving around blindly...

So nothing changed, stuck here.

March 23
Install etherpad plugin for headers/fonts/colors
How to install plugins?
First become the etherpad-lite user
Then go to the folder where etherpad is installed:
Then install the plugin with 
The plugin seems to break etherpad.

It would be nice to learn how to read logs better...
Log reading resonates somehow quite a lot with the listening workshop we will do on Sunday.
How to practice reading each others logs?

As the user etherpad-lite...
running the initial install script...
to see if the responses will give any more info.
no, same error.

Found a recommondation in the etherpad-lite issue tracker to run
Restarting etherpad again with the run.sh command....
Hmm... no.
Let's uninstall the plugin.

Instead, maybe we can use a monospace font on the etherpad?

Install fan controller for pi
Following this tutorial: https://howchoo.com/g/ote2mjkzzta/control-raspberry-pi-fan-temperature-python

git clone https://github.com/Howchoo/pi-fan-controller.git

sudo pip3 install -r pi-fan-controller/requirements.txt   <<-- runs into errors so I installed the requirements separately
sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO
sudo pip3 install gpiozero

cd pi-fan-controller/script
run ./install
cd back
run python3 fancontrol.py  <<-- gives the following error

RuntimeError: Mmap of GPIO registers failed

stuck here

making aliases for commands we use a lot - available for one user only 
to make a new alias, change to user friend
sudo su friend

to add a new alias into the file
sudo nano .bash_aliases

after you save and close, run begin to make your alias available for the user friend

March 22
ccl digs to find some refs on feminist publishing:

March 21
Made changes to octomode + etherpump: you can open pads "in octomode" now.
Octomode does not make pads with an extension anymore, it just keeps the filename. 

Also installed https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/distribusi-go at /srv/distribusi + added it to the crontab of user friend, updates every 5 min.
To edit the crontab:
    1. become the friend user: $ sudo su friend
    2. edit the crontab: $ crontab -e
Also added an iframe to the main rosa page: (as friend) $ nano /srv/etherpump/templates/index.html
The iframe points to: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/chapters/
However, distribusi seems not to be able to run recursively?
This means that new folders in the chapter folder are not turned into distribusi pages... hmm.
Opened an issue about this: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/distribusi-go/issues/14
Another issue is that distribusi creates links without trailing slash.... which makes links break because of the /rosa/ setup......
Next step: install the regular distribusi (not the go version) to work recursively + see if the trailing slash issue can be resolved in the nginx setup...
Update: distribusi does run recursively actually, it was the URL issue that breaks the links...
Next step: look into the trailing slash situation

March 17 2022

- finish buzzbot (renamed to folding.py)
- make changes to octomode that we discussed yesterday

folds bot .service details

March 16 2022 - installing etherpump
Install pip first.
Make a virtual environment.
Try running etherpump
Returns: ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe' (/srv/etherpump/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/markupsafe/__ init __.py)
To resolve this, downgrade markupsafe
Try to run etherpump again
Copying the cron.sh file to make a script for etherpump to run every 10 minutes
This cron.sh script is used to generate the etherpump index.
The index is saved to /var/www/html/index.html.

March 15 - installing etherpad plugin linkify
Oh.... spotted in the settings.json that we're running etherpad with dirty.db, which "should only be used for testing and development"!!
Switching to mysql/mariadb...

Install mysql
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install wget -y
$ wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.8.18-1_all.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.18-1_all.deb
$ sudo apt install mysql-server

Adding the gpg of the mysql apt repo:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 467B942D3A79BD29

Installing mysql/mariadb
Make a "friend" user
Make a database for the etherpad
Give permissions to the user friend to write to this db
Close mysql

Switching to a sqlite database, as that is what is used by the varia server...
$ sudo apt install sqlite3
$ cd /srv/etherpad-lite/src/
$ sudo npm install sqlite3
In settings.json
  "dbType": "sqlite",
  "dbSettings": {
    "filename": "var/sqlite.db"

Not sure which database is the best to use and why?
Would be interesting to learn about this, conversations around such questions are hard to find online.


How to install an etherpad plugin?
  1. Enable Admin interface (edit settings.json)
  2. Login in to admin interface (yourpad.com/admin)
  3. Use admin interface http://youretherpad/admin/plugins

Installed: linkify2 
for the [[anotherpad]] internal link function!
(we should test if it works)
--> it breaks the etherpad installation.

March 13 2022 
thinking about storage options
- https://github.com/coderaiser/cloudcmd file manager + editor + console
- https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser file manager + editor + console
- https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager file manager (demo https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/demo/ )
- https://github.com/redhog/ep_fileupload etherpad plugin for built-in file upload

- something torrent based? (because downloading/uploading eats bandwidth of the rpi!!)
- something p2p? (to not make rosa the only central node, and stimulate promicuous file exchange?)
- wild thought: what if file uploads go through a chat environment + logbot? https://relearn2021.vvvvvvaria.org/
- federated file sharing? one folder hosted at rosa, shared/synces/mirrored/??? at a few other servers? (TINC can be used to safely exchange files automatically)
- wow bittorrents + rss feeds!?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcatching
- an atnofs network of webtorrents! https://webtorrent.io/ https://btorrent.xyz/

trying filebrowser
Installation worked, but the application did not load.

trying tinyfilemanager
needs php
so first: install php
add this to the nginx config:
    location ~ \.php$ {
        include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
        listen =
Also edit the php config file
comment this line out with a ";":
add this line
and reload nginx + restart php
then try tinyfilemanager
-- hmm, redirects during use to https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/files.php?p= .......
-- and does not correctly links to files......

trying cloudcmd
to run it
Now it runs at port 8000
config file: /home/mb/.cloudcmd.json works
https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/files/ works but css links are broken...

Going for tinyfilemanager in the end.

March 10
installing octomode
Step 1
Download the octomode code from the Varia git.
First go to the location where you want to install octomode. This should be outside of the public webserver folders, as we will have to save an API key of the etherpad at some point, and you don't want to share that key in public. Also, switch to the root user for this step.
`$ cd /srv/`
`$ sudo su`
`# git clone https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/octomode.git `

Step 2
We will make an "octomode" user on the server to run octomode with this user. In this way we can restrict the access of this user to the rest of the server. It's a way to make sure that the pads in octomode cannot be used to write code in a specific way, that it can be executed on the server.
Make a system user called "octomode".
`# useradd --system --no-create-home --shell=/sbin/nologin octomode`
Give read and write access + ownership to the `/srv/octomode` folder to the octomode user.
`# chown -R octomode:octomode /srv/octomode`
`# chmod -R u+rw /srv/octomode`

To handle the limited folder access, i'm not sure what to do. 
Maybe a so called `chroot` can be used? 
Asking for advice here: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/octomode/issues/2#issuecomment-757

Step 3
Install the dependencies that octomode uses.
First make sure that `pip3` and `pandoc` is installed. On debian you can install it by running: 
`$ sudo apt install python3-venv pandoc`
There is a Makefile in the octomode folder, which can be used to install the dependencies. First navigate to the octomode folder and then run `make setup`.
`# cd /srv/octomode`
`# make setup`
Change the ownership of the installed dependencies to octomode.
`# chown -R octomode:octomode .venv`

Step 4
Get the API key of the etherpad you want to use. This can be a local one which is running on the same server, or an etherpad that is running somewhere else.
`# cat /srv/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt`
Copy the key and save it in the file `/srv/octomode/config.py` as "PAD_API_KEY".
`# cd /srv/octomode/`
`# nano config.py`
Also change the "PAD_URL" and "PAD_API_URL".
You can also change the "PORTNUMBER", this is the port at which octomode will be running. You can change it to any port number that is not used yet on the server.
Close and save the `config.py` file with `[CTRL+X]`, `[Y]`, `[ENTER]`.

Step 5
Try to run octomode, to see if it works!
`# make run`
If you are currently in the same local network as rosa, you can visit rosa's ip address on port 5001.
Try to visit all the different "modes": `pad`, `stylesheet`, `html` and `pdf`, to make sure that they all work.
You can stop the application with [CTRL+C].

Step 6
Run octomode as a background service.
Octomode is written in Flask, a python library to make web applications. It needs to run all the time in order to be available for people to use.
We will make a system d `.service` file for this.
Make a `.service` file for octomode:
# nano /etc/systemd/system/octomode.service
Paste the following configurations in the file:
Reload the systemd daemon:
# systemctl daemon-reload
And start the octomode service.
# systemctl start octomode
Check if it works by visiting again!

Step 7
Connect octomode to an URL.
To access octomode through an URL, like https://rosa.vvvvvvaria.org/octomode/ , a mapping is needed to route octomode's port 5001 to the URL that will be used.
In nginx, we can use a proxy_jump for this.
Open the nginx configuration file.
# cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
# nano default
Add the following setting to the nginx file.
    location /octomode { 
        proxy_pass ;
    # Serve the /static/ folder nginx (instead of Flask)
    # as this Flask installation runs outside the root URL
    location ^~ /static/  {
        alias /srv/octomode/static/;
Change the permissions of the `/srv/octomode/static/` folder, as this folder will be served by nginx.
# chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/octomode/static/
# chmod -R g+w /srv/octomode/static/
Check if you configuarion is oke.
# nginx -t
If so, then reload nginx.
# service nginx reload
See if it works by visiting or https://rosa.vvvvvvaria.org/octomode/pad/ .
(because https://rosa.vvvvvvaria.org/octomode/ gets redirected currently, but that is work in progress).

Thursday 24 FEB (evening)
layers, logging, resonance, disguise

About publishing as layering: 
About questioning the act of layering

In relation to resonance and imagining forms non-romantic togetherness, to speculate on infrastructures that are based on various modes of relation:
homework from p_p

homework from strt
Thinking of layers in what it brings up in my mind - can be positive, like warm layers of clothing or layers of ingredients in a sandwich, and also less positive like layers of dust over forgotten or untouched objects, a layer of mould growing in a jar of jam, layers of bureaucracy that are hard to untangle. Yesterday we talked about alternatives to layers, which are linear - piles? A bundle? A bundle wrapped in layers of fabric.

The layers of communication/insight we give when writing on a pad, represented in a friendly bot sharing a short summary of whatt you can encounter in that pad.

Disguise in the form a surprises?

Wednesday 23 FEB 
(infrastructure day)
Poll for license: https://framadate.org/jScMDwqQnLRIk1PY
Port 80 - webserver (for everything on the web)
Port 22 - ssh into the server
p - to select a port
cd [enter] - get home

To add your own computer's key to Rosa, so you don't need to write your password when you log in.
First you need to generate a ssh key on your own computer:
This generates two keys: a public one and a private one

how to make a config file to connect to rosa:
    ls [means listing files]
    la [means long list]
    ls /
    cat[space+filename] = to display what is in a file
    nano config [opens a txt file]
    then you can write:

Host rosa
  User [write your username]
  Port 150822
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

notes from conversation:
space for each chapter
(notes from last time - Welcome pack: A place to document what is there to see at the different locations, a tour guide, a map? restaurants? local recipes? travel suggestions? speech to text tools?)

consent to:
- publish
- alter (open license is consent to reuse)
- touch
- ...

Adding another language to the server's mode of address around permissions.
Amy: We did a workshop with Elodie around the CC4R license at APASS. We were reading Glissant: nothing is yours. you are an accumilation to a bunch of other things. we had to write about an artwork that we liked. and we had to write a license to say how we would like this work to be reused. the license is trying to do this i think, to be aware of minorities and the sources that you take from, but also to not be so protective about what you make.
Constant refigured the Free Art License and made it more complicated.

Installing tmux to work in a shared terminal session

First we all switch to the friend user
One of us makes a new session
Attach to new session
Installing etherpad
How? Is there documentation close to us that we can use?
remember: rosa uses debian bullseye
curl = downloading something from the internet
Rosa doesn't have curl and git, so we will install it first:
Then we follow the quick install:

Now we need to connect the port where Etherpad is 9001.

On XPUB1's Soupboat, an etherpad is installed in the same way as we need it: 

proxy_pass http://localhost:9001/ ;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_redirect off;
            proxy_buffering off;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
            proxy_read_timeout 86400;

We can add this to the nginx config file
We add the config above.
Then we save it with CTRL+X and Y and [enter].
Then we test if the configs were oke syntaxwise.
And then we reload the nginx service.
Then we run the etherpad run.sh script again:
    cd ~/etherpad-lite/
And we go to

I reinstalled etherpad-lite 
fixing the error Error: The module at "ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/rjquery" does not exist.

src/bin/run.sh was failing to install the node modules

running separately 
npm install ep_etherpad-lite

getting the error that python is not found, so installing python and running again

tried changing the nginx configuration from here


no luck... perhaps trying to downgrade to an older version of etherpad next

04.03 tried to install again using below instructions, no luck so far


getting this error

npm WARN old lockfile     at async Array.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js:743:9) {
npm WARN old lockfile   code: 'EACCES',
npm WARN old lockfile   errno: 'EACCES',
npm WARN old lockfile   syscall: 'mkdir',
npm WARN old lockfile   path: '/srv/etherpad',
npm WARN old lockfile   type: 'system'
npm WARN old lockfile }
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! syscall mkdir
npm ERR! path /srv/etherpad
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/srv/etherpad'
npm ERR!  [Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/srv/etherpad'] {
npm ERR!   errno: -13,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   syscall: 'mkdir',
npm ERR!   path: '/srv/etherpad'
npm ERR! }
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

Can we change the background image of the pads?

Run etherpad all the time in the background as a "service":
"debian bullseye how to run etherpad-lite as service"

1. Create a user called etherpad-lite adduser --system --home=/srv/etherpad-lite --group etherpad-lite
2. Ensure the etherpad-lite user has full access to the etherpad-lite source
3. Create a new file etherpad-lite.service in /etc/systemd/system/
4. Run systemctl enable etherpad-lite to enable the service on boot.
5. Run systemctl start etherpad-lite to start the service. 

If you change the etherpad.service file, you need to reload the systemd deamon to make the changes.
tried to get the latest version on git 

Next time - make aliases

Notes for Session 17 FEB
Feminist publishing infrastructure imaginations
mb leaving a trail of thought around a possible feminist publishing infrastructure (FPI, to make it easier to repeat this long name):
+ in terms of content, the following snippets are helpful to imagine what will be there:

from p_p
maybe too old, binary and obvious a reference, but I have been reading Sadie Plant, The Future Looms, and there are some terms and passages that I find helpful for thinking about what feminist technologies might be / what is feminist them.

- an interface is something that we want for display, but it also hides
- we make technologies to be our messenger, for a possibility of communication.
- In FPI how do you show gratitude to the messenger?

"Indeed, if woman is[they are] anything, she is[they are] the very possibility of mimesis, the one who weaves her[their] own disguises. The veil is her[their] oppression, but "she[they] may still draw from from it what she[they] needs to mark the folds, seams, and dress making of her[their] garments and dissimulations." (Irigaray 1991, p116) ... she is[they are] more than which she[they] imitate. Woman[Oppressed people], like the computer, appears at different times as whatever man requires of her[them]. She[they] learns how to imitate; she[they] learns simulation. And, like the computer, she[they] become very good at it, so good, in fact, that she[they] too, can mimic any function. As Irigaray suggests: "Truth and appearances, and reality, power... she is[they are] - through her[their] inexhaustible aptitude for mimicry - the living foundation for the whole staging of the world."
- what is rosa wearing?
- does rosa have a costume?
- is rosa singular?

"Software, in other words, has its screens as well: it too has a user-friendly face it turns to [the client]man, and for it, as for [the worker]woman, this is only its camouflage."

- camouflage, FPI that allows you to share in disguise
- FPI that has options to conceal, to de-publish
> different layers of visibility and privacy, and that the users can change this for themselves
> making space for speculative/fiction, "disguise in untruth"

"There is for Irigaray another side to the screens which "already moves beyond and stops short of appearance, and has no veil. It wafts out, like a harmony that sub-tends, envelopes and subtly 'fills' everything seen, before the caesura of its forms and in time to a movement other than scansion of syncopations. Continuity from which the veil itself will borrow the matter-foundation of its fabric."(Irigary, 1991, p116) This fabric, and its fabrication is the virtual materiality of the feminine; home to no-one and no thing, the passage into the virtual is nevertheless not a return to the void. This affirmation is "without subject or object", but "does not, for all that, go to the abyss." The blind immateriality of the black hole was simply projected by man, who had to believe that there was nothingness and lack behind the veil."

- think about how to undo binary ideas such as 0 1
- find it helpful to think about performative aspect of screens, they frame an activity to which you give attention. what questions of framing enter FPI?

I imagine a feminist infrastructure:
- as the corner shop in your neighborhood - you kinda depend on them - to get fresh eggs, milk and tomatos - you also know when they are open or close - so you go there when it’s good for both - and you know that one day - they might get sick or something - and because you go there every other day - and make conversation while picking lemons from the basket - you and them are sort of friends - maybe not bffs - but friendly enough - to care - and help out - whenever necessary - however you can - maybe ask what’s up - offer some soup or to look out for the kids for a while - or call some other neighbor - cuz you know maybe you are not skilled to solve everything - and that’s fine - there are others like you  - and different than you - and together you can make it work again - maybe not fully - not same - but open again and shared - with oranges for all of you around it - and that might meant you get less flour one day - and a lots of coffee beans some others - it might depend on the weather - or on the providers - that are also other neighbors  - like you with the ropes and shoe laces - and sometimes other things come from a far - and that’s also nice - cuz you can try berries you didn’t know - and make uses you didn’t think of before - sometimes things are send away too - or someone travels - or both - and as things and knowledges are helpful elsewhere - when back - they might bring new ones - maybe partnerships are build this way - in these comes and go’s - so the neighborhood feels a bit bigger - expanded - kinda flexible - diverse - supported - and connected - in a way - as you rely on the shop  - y’all  rely on each other - knowing that nothing is permanent - or perfect - or stable - but it’s there while it’s there - and that’s good knowing

We're making a way to collect materials & make them visible to each other
Are we making categories? Maybe something softer.
logging as a way to collect materials before you forget them
logs work in chronological order
"this happened this happened this happened this happened this happened"
logs are difficult to read, logs are unedited objects
what if we see the log as something that operates in parallel with another text
you never read a log from top to bottom, you search for something specific and filter it
alt text workshops - https://alt-text-as-poetry.net/
how could logging work for everyone, practically speaking? for relearn we used the browser

can we cross protocols? to not force people to use our tools? 
RSS can be our shared protocol: Mastodon and logbot both "speak" RSS

marks as tools to layer the logs: certain marks will allow a post to go to the publication
layering the logs: what kind of layers can we add to the logs?
how can we connect the logs with the texts?

10 FEB

Publishing infrastructure
documentation of different traces of the project
Amy: something instruction based for others to be able to pick up, 

evening meeting
Julia shares Sara Ahmed

In response to this quote, Cristina mentions a Katherine McKittrick's position to work with what we have in order to reach liberation (this is super paraphrased, would be nice to have a quote here?)

Cristina shares this web page in which the word "resonance" is mentioned in relation to publishing, by Stevphen Shukaitis: https://transversal.at/transversal/0614/shukaitis/en

Manetta leaves some snippets here for 10 February, this one felt useful for us in regards to positioning towards receiving funding. I found this in the Glossary of Undisciplined Design book that i borrowed from Cristina: 

amy's thoughts on feminist publishing

amy's thoughts about intersectional feminism?

amy's links for permacomputing
Manetta's thoughts about feminist publishing: 
+ Something that is on my mind these days is to think about the overlap and difference between: 
    "networked publishing" {?} 
    (blurring a technical understanding of networks with a social one), 
    "promiscuous publishing" { Constant—Femke Snelting https://constantvzw.org/wefts/webpublications.en.html
    (where inputs and outputs are processed by multiplicity of tools and processes),
    and "resonant publishing" { ? } 
    (where editorial roles are blurred + publishing happens while-we-go)...

And thoughts about feminist infrastructure, from Underneath and on the sidelines: Sustaining feminist infrastructures using speculative fiction by Spideralex: 
And about (intersectional, even though this word is not used) feminism by Susan Leigh Star in Misplaced Concretism and Concrete Situations: Feminism, Method, and Information Technology (1994): (this author also cited in first book I brought in)

[we are reading very fast from here on]

... she continues to further unpack feminism as a method, which is a snippet that i encountered through the Vernaculars come to matter book where Michael Murtaugh referred to it in his text on vernacular software. So again the following words are from Susan Leigh Star:

cristina's links to discuss in the meeting
[server time now!!]
$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ sudo service --status-all
$ sudo service ssh start

Now from the laptop:
$ ssh mb@rosa
> returns: "ssh: connect to host rosa port 22: Connection refused"


$ ssh mb@rosa.local -p 1508
> works

Opening the ports on the router

Log into the router. On the browser:
We opened port 1508 on the router and mapped it to rosa's port 1508.

We prepare the "friend" account for Roel
so he can login to rosa for the 

$ cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
make copy of an existing config file:
$ sudo cp radio.poel.casa.conf rosa.poel.casa.conf
make a symlink between this file above and its omolog in sites-enabled:
$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/rosa.poel.casa.conf .
edit the file:
$ sudo nano rosa.poel.casa.conf

$ sudo nginx -t
$ sudo service nginx reload

https://rosa.poel.casa/ works!
But we don't have a web server running on Rosa yet ;).

We need to install nginx on the rosa server!
$ sudo apt install nginx

$ sudo systemctl status nginx 
it runs!

We will make a small web page for Rosa now.
$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo nano index.html

And now we change permission of the /var/www/html folder, so we all can write in this folder

$ sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/html
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

And we add ourselves to the www-data group, so we can all edit the page.

$ sudo addgroup USERNAME www-data

Rosa has a web page!!

Close the laptop!

STEP 6 (next day)
Port 1508 does not work anymore:
$ ssh user@rosa -p 1508
returns: "ssh: connect to host rosa port 1508: Connection refused"

It seems that the ssh service is not started after a reboot.
Apparantly, debian runs two ssh services: one for handling general ssh sessions, and another one for custom configurations of the ssh connections. This is made like this, so you can restart the ssh service without loosing your ssh session. Also, when you have errors in your ssh config file, this means that you still can ssh into your machine... (if there would have been one one ssh service you would have lost all access to the machine).

To enable this, run:
$ sudo systemctl enable ssh


Hmm, when trying to use the port 1508 now, it returns: "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"
And with the default port 22 is returns: "ssh: connect to host rosa port 22: Connection refused"


An online source advices to reboot Rosa.

$ ssh user@rosa -p 1508
ssh: connect to host rosa port 1508: Connection refused
$ ssh user@rosa
works again, so it seems that the "enable" command did not work.

Another attempt: maybe it helps to first start the service... and then enable it?
$ sudo service ssh start
$ sudo systemctl enable ssh
$ sudo reboot


So.... how can we start the ssh service when we reboot Rosa?


Maybe these logs can help us out...
$ tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep ssh
When keeping that open in a second terminal... and log out from the first terminal, and trying to log in again using port 1508... 
The terminal returns: "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"
The log returns: "fatal: Missing privilege separation directory: /run/sshd"
Following this: http://realtechtalk.com/Linux_Ubuntu_Debian_Missing_privilege_separation_directory_varrunsshd-2236-articles
$ mkdir -p /run/sshd
Would make this directory
$ ssh user@rosa -p 1508
Oh it works now!


On March 10 we bumped into the same error. Suddenly we could not login with ssh anymore, as the ssh.service had stopped running. After starting it, we ended up in the same loop as above... Once someone opened a second ssh connection to rosa, the ssh configs somehow got reverted. All ssh connections are blocked, both on port 22 and 1508... So i did a manual reboot by unplugging and replugging rosa.

I searched again online to see if there are more clues out there why this happens, and found this, describing exactly our situation: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/675370/why-ssh-service-doesn-t-start-automatically-during-boot-despite-being-enabled-by

Following this reply to the first answer, might work for us too: 
But hmm... what does it mean to "disable this unit"...

Let's go back to the default port 22.....

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Comment out the line: Port 1508
Save the file.
Reboot the server.

Disable root login

$ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no

$ sudo systemctl restart ssh

resolve the locales error

$ sudo apt policy locales
$ sudo apt install locales

"Locales are a framework to switch between multiple languages and allow users to use their language, country, characters, collation order, date and time, etc. Make sure you set locales generating UTF-8 locales. Other character sets can be set for backwards compatibility with older systems and software."

$ locale
To set the locale to US English and UTF-8
$ sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

This seem to have resolved it.

Session 3 February
think about our questions: