--- title: resonant tentacular publishing language: en --- __PUBLISH__ __VARIA__ resonant tentacular publishing This script is a transformation of a previous resonant publishing workshop, hosted during Zinecamp in November 2021 by Simon Browne, Artemis Grylakki, Alice Strete and Manetta Berends. It also has roots in the Read & Repair session organised by amy pickles and Cristina Cochior in Varia throughout 2021. "We are sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. We are recording the sound of our speaking voices and we are going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of our speech, with the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What we will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. We regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact, but, more as a way to smooth out any irregularities our speech might have." See https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/chapters/varia/resonant-tentacular-publishing/Alvin-Lucier_I-am-sitting-in-a-room.mp3 for an audio version of the piece. Variation of Alvin Lucier, "I am sitting in a room". http://www.nicolascollins.com/texts/SittingInARoom.pdf During this session we will experiment with models of resonant publishing: publishing that is not left at the end of a process of thought, but is embedded in a social, technical and collective process where thought develops and unfolds. While being with many bodies and voices in a shared space we will operate in a tentacular mode, a variation of tentacular thinking, which is a term that Donna Haraway used to refer to thinking with eight legged species: "I remember that tentacle comes from the Latin tentaculum, meaning “feeler,” and tentare, meaning “to feel” and “to try”; (...) The tentacular ones tangle me in sf. Their many appendages make string figures; they entwine me in the poiesis—the making—of speculative fabulation, science fiction, science fact, speculative feminism, soin deficelle, so far. The tentacular ones make attachments and detachments; they ake cuts and knots; they make a difference; they weave paths and consequences but not determinisms; they are both open and knotted in some ways and not others. sf is storytelling and fact telling; it is the patterning of possible worlds and possible times, material-semiotic worlds, gone, here, and yet to come. I work with string figures as a theoretical trope, a way to think-with a host of companions in sympoietic threading, felting, tangling, tracking, and sorting. I work with and in sf as material-semiotic composting, as theory in the mud, as muddle." "Tentacular Thinking" in Donna Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, 2016. https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/chapters/varia/resonant-tentacular-publishing/Tentacular-Thinking_Donna-Haraway.pdf Combining tools like etherpad and web-to-print techniques introduce a range of possibilities for publishing practices. This script focuses specifically on collective PDF making, using a tool called octomode. Starting in the middle of the different userspaces that these tools create, the proposal is to experiment with user-subjectivities, pad-listening, di-versioning and other methods that will allow us to re-turn to notions of resonance through vibration, citation and recording. This script introduces methods for collective PDF making, using octomode's pad-publishing environment in which actions of writing, processing and lay-out making continuously cross each other. The proposal is to make a zine together around resonance and produce it in a tentacular mode. References and related materials for this session are collected here: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/chapters/varia/resonant-tentacular-publishing/ A possible rhythm to follow 15 minutes: Install yourselves (as much as you wish) - octomode: https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/pads/rosa.raw.html scroll down to "How to use octomode?" - Markdown: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/markdown/ - CSS: https://curly-braces.hashbase.io/ + https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/css/ - paged.js: https://pagedjs.org/ - resonance: "The word resonance comes from Latin and means to "resound" - to sound out together with a loud sound. (...) Resonance only occurs when the first object is vibrating at the natural frequency of the second object. " (https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/Lesson-5/Resonance) + https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/resonant-rings + https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/resonator 15 minutes: Echoes (exercises to warm up - see below) 30 minutes: Resonant listening & speaking - 15 minutes: in pairs, going to another space and listening, then responding (see below) - 15 minutes: 2 resonant streams: collective editing / collective designing --- CONTINUE --- 30 minutes: Continue resonant listening & speaking 25 minutes: Printing/collating/binding - How would you like to print? Paper format? Type? Colour? - How would you like to collate? In order, or not? - How would you like to bind? Which materials? 5 minutes: Share and wrap up Echoes Echo 1 → What is your screen's width? Fill one entire line with your colour. You can press space or use any other key. hello world bliep when do we eat? tentacular sas elo(die) she/her nor familiarity not connected bla sun jxxx → Write one or more words in the line without breaking it. You might need to delete some spaces. Echo 2 → Fill in one line of the pad with your preferred (nick)name, your pronouns, and anything else you would like to share with the group about yourself. Carolina, she/her, don't have any other nickname, I'm happy to be here (: So, I'm going to go with being CCroc, but I'm Alina, there's a reason, but I won't explain it. I don't have pronouns preferences, I'm not hungry, but I'd eat. Setareh (Set), she/they, <-- not to be published Manetta, she/her, ready to have lunch :) Anna, she/her, nickname: applebacon Nina she/her/don’t care … :) htttps://www.ooooo.be - >/ we - :) :p : Sergiu, any, such a beautiful day Artemis, she/her, I'm go glad the sun is shining outside :) jxxx, they/elle, :-****** Echo 3 → Change your pad colour using the colour wheel on the top right. → Open as many browsers as you can and access this pad url from different locations. You can also use Incognito Mode for this in the same browser. → Finish the following sentence from your different user-subjectivities: We are sitting in a room, there is no we unless we say we, Resonant listening & speaking → Time for experimenting with "pad listening" and "pad speaking". → In groups of 2, explore your surroundings, which can be indoors or outside. Listen together to voices, sounds, discussions, noises. → Can you record what you hear? In pairs, take turns beginning a sentence, and ending it. NOTES OF THE SESSION for other instances - API - (access / non-access - refrering to an article of MI. Murtaugh ?) - how to know your API ? - how to exchange a key ? - when lists of multiple pad instances are shared >>>>>> are porous relations - how to deal with security to collaborative writing >>> shift discussion towards trust based exchange Can we think of transversality in relation to pads? How can we work with transversality across etherpad instances? Can we share API keys with each other? Etherstekje? Does this allow for seed bombing? Can etherpads also be branched outside of a network? Definition Varia of resonant publishing: publishing that is not left at the end of a process of thought, [...] log as modes of publishing focusing on the octomode, online pdf environment from the etherpads - not splitting between writing and designing writing, designing, viewing - print publications, collective publishing what it means to be open to resonating, to develop thought octomode, title, language as metadata API key - to go into octomode from the varia rosa server - a system of access and non-access, keys with permissions, asking the server for their key Overview mode, seeing ALL the pads A social conversation started, can you have access? What does it mean to share? Trust Writing another Code of Conduct? Process of barter...? Ways that instances in the pad can cross Porosity, octomode as transversality Like a handshake Ways pads can cross Octomode code in github Potential in the etherdump, the 'listening', to start crossing Ether'stekjes' - etherbranches low threshold way, inviting people to use it, address of 'constant' or HNI etherpad - relationship of signaling that activity will happen Control over deleting? procedures over deletion? Are you a keyholder? Etherpad as conflict-resolving Changes, made 'real' in a plenary - distributing power Hidden or not fully hidden states... What containers? stylesheet? spaces? width? Crossing the boundaries, from online doc, to..... Echoes, multiple voices, opening the pad from different browsers Resonance as a physical 'sense' Constant - BBB BBB using infrastructure https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/bbb.agenda ENTER https://video.enter.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/ Pad listening and pad speaking. A short in-situ thoughtdump. How to listen with one ear? Listening with different senses, sensing someone is there with you (in the pad) Specters connecting. What does it mean to be open to resonance? To the presence of others? To multiple presences presenting themselves in the same pad, finishing each other's sentences presences present in multiple presents There was a slight delay in the appearance of the specter. Some have difficulty connecting. How to provide temporal space, server space, and pad space for others? An etherdump, an overview of pads (?), as collective archive. What does it mean to cycle through different platforms, different timelines and speeds of publishing? Building a collective intelligence. extending an octopus intelligence. How to understand the capacity of the server? example of the queue, using web queues anarchaserver is considering to install monitoring software monitoring from the anarchaserver itself? or monitoring from another server? anarchaserver uses netdata and promotheus (CLI tool) There is also graphana, which monitors docker containers and then there is a poetical translation at anarchaserver, where the processor is sonified using the browser through the browser terminador using websockets to provide access to the terminal My public key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6AuNxYET2iyZjCI41QccCM1mZCYyqXrC+Kuv683ZdzeX/ZRlWuBPw/PbmOgZtH/27GEplH4o/jJ3nsqcFgE6FbBWKOB3Hal+V9RuLUYIr4yFFb2M8+EE71LZUyZBx6S3IWyEziVHLuNS0WcKcS420YCal8gypMxy+hQg/OtUFVPxUznkk4Pl76kWTLtjH0iqsxu+vZSpWPxenT/RS/GG9hle00nt6kkwaPU9fFslaArxGJKdOpFnK2aWJ4k4yaUOHtADHgGGX1FBOT10XIy5oxTZY6VjaWEOvUjC1dmLMUhdHO8CtOq81ODMt6GRYkZW5YoMaSu9KZh63GZXdxRGV ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDdYqsU7m/dO6fs67NYS6zz6Dln7icF7q4P9k7qXtF0SQM6vyMbykHHAxHh99Jk2hB1K9yV9lDENaaO8r4b++T Hl5aDcLyQvzdyu/hwuxgmP5P2DxXmBS1ZlBCdtUEYljAQFyOhMaJ4sklV8zl8+Nk9NzOdOgxE7hW55g4p4lZCjoJwlLIKWMZ66cNM2mDPvk6pfUnWoCObpzWpJq DuJGQ2lp/fUekHIYjA1CVtsgER/AQ+MvWzU7H7vPBF+NzV7zQz+kW+5Y0l9svbCCc8x7cqVeclHi+FIBBLeul7EP3Pi/HjlXS3UU0OI4osFxlVSdKMpNPi+d8iA DvNvrISAhPT ooooo@ooooo notes of a conversation: chinouk en manetta What are ways to generate PDFs in a traversal etherpad content-driven PDFs instead of context-driven PDFs instead of individual pads as capsules/confined somethings, can we think about traversal pad can we generate one pad of each chapter, instead of the full book? it can create a crossing ... this would be a way to publish the overlap between chapters we looked at the cross readers https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/mb/cross-readers as a possible starting point into ways of crossing, or traversing what does "traversal" mean actually? what is the dictionary definition? > noun. the act or process of passing across, over, or through: "A problem with the Voyager 2 spacecraft as it began its traversal of the rings of Saturn was eventually linked to high-speed collisions with micrometeoroids". Beurs traverse een overgang en een ondergang is it crossing without touching? traversing is different from cutting a material cutting is an action of dividing and traversing is an action of dividing while traveling Is this a design question? Approaching the publication traversally effects the outcome, hyperlinks- non-linear while crossing and transversing, you also generate something maybe it's not about reading across material, but while crossing you also generate something else, your leaving something behind can the context of each chapter provide a specific way of crossing?