__PUBLISH__ __VARIA__ An attempt to write up what would be different ways to talk to type with or against bash / terminal commands Some commands have violent connotations (kill, bash) some commands propose hierarchies are they necessary ? (sudo ....) windows chooses to make their own island and not be interoperable with unix commands, is there an inclusion problem ? here's a list with bash commands: https://ss64.com/bash/ why is a cheat sheet called a cheatsheet ? Bash as a term is not very social solarpunk: command line through magic: change the narrative around the command, away from the manual, describing what operation the command sets into motion, mv = changing the path to rename and change the path at the same time different methods to expending the narrative: * we could think of 'nar' pages next to manual: narrative pages in which the narration around a command is spelled on. Or a 'gen' page: geneology of naming ? where the word comes from different meanings of the word typing 'man' gives: What manual page do you want? Eliza psychtherapist version: Are you sure you want a manual page ? suggestive layer, not changing implying that we now better, but rather giving more context 'touch': "did you ask consent before touching" ? man man : * are there more questions embedded in a manual page ? we can add to that / change it * color as a sign that a command is an alias or an original command bash ---- Thompson shell bourne shell bourne again shell why shell? wall ---- less & more ----------- ls: list 'hidden' what does it mean hidden 'cat' in some distro's is called 'dog' cat comes from catenation, chaining to come together if dog is now a verb, dogination -- sudo 'root' 'superuser' regular user versus superpowers the process to access this superpowers includes receiving the 'lecture' ( great powers great responsibilities, etc) --- rm: remove .. where to ? (different than "delete") -- information stays written on the disk, but nothing in the system knows anymore that there was a file: you erase the map but the house is stille there remove visibility / from the map mv: move and rename a file in one go unlike in the gui, moving and renaming are the same thing, which re-organizes the understanding of what is a 'path'.. man: help manual --- too many layers: the immediate masculinize meaning of man, the maspleaning tone which these manuals too often have trap: Execute a command when the shell receives a signal or: "nothing appropriate" --- ?? true: do nothing, successfully --- the production of truth is not nothing, but rather quite active ;) w touch: evidence, when did you touch this last time touch time used to see if you have access to a file, permission boundaries, asking already crossing a boundary touch first, consent later? for exmaple: -- alias touch="echo 'would be nice to ask before touch'; touch" sudo : temporary root privileges completey opposite meaning "super" (above ?) and "root" (ground) https://ss64.com/bash/ on the technical negotiation of multiuser messaging? wall as in "write to all" wall without consent there is an opt-out to all but not to me https://linux.die.net/man/1/mesg .bash_aliases documentation New commands: meanwhile YES = echo NO leavehome = cd showme = ls -lha together = tmux new -s begin = source ~/.bash_aliases join = tmux attach -t color = changes your terminal prompt to 'this is rosa' visit = finger wall = this again? stop it, you read that one yourself: ... the manual https://linux.die.net/man/1/wall Miquel van Smoorenburg, miquels@cistron.nl the code https://github.com/util-linux/util-linux/blob/master/term-utils/wall.c strange comment at line 449: bs->data[bs->used] = '\0'; /* be paranoid */ wall as one of the 'easiest' ways to sense others sharing a time-space on the server.. so nice to keep the excitement of sharing a server but you are forced in a sense to give attention.. no consent-based, it is an opt out feature.. ( you can stop it by the command mesg ) quickly negotiation happens.. whether asking others ('can you please stop it') or aliasing out the command figuring out dirty ways to get out of the annoyance of interruptions >> messing with a command with aliasing it to sth else/ and then you learn there is a quick way out of that way >> just put your wall command in quotes or run /usr/bin/wall how to change for an: opt-in wall! lecture file: We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. #3) With great power comes great responsibility. response-ability file? lecture file added for wall? maybe? using talk (you can write to one user/terminal) using mail ( proposed terms to replace with aliases starting from a list of existing bash commands, such as here: https://ss64.com/bash/ Kill - a process by specifying its PID possible alias: end History: Command History possible alias: herstory / theystory / *story killall - Kill processes by name possible alias: endall Man: Help manual possible alias: human / mean wc - Print byte, word, and line counts why? -> abbreviation might be understood as 'WaterCloset' this might be not appropriate? possible alias: fsck - File system consistency check and repair groupdel - group delete why change? deleting a group is not the right metaphor for deleting a file ? possible aliasses: -- xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. temporary reminder of who is in the sudo list redistribution of power not having sudo can also be nice te one who had sudo powers the longest needs to be kicked out and needs to be readded = reelected collective sudo certain commands can only be written by several sudo accounts when someone uses sudo everyone gets a notification and have to confirm command w gives you the list of the users that aere looked in it tells you also what they are doing (using bash or nano + file name for example) sudo on rotation [randomly] having selective sudo privileges [only for particular command]