__PUBLISH__ __ESCMKL__ Atnofs Graz Kommentare auf Englisch und Deutsch sind willkommen!!! Comments in English and German are welcome!!! Session in June: 9.6.–10.6. arrival day/evening: 8.6. no together programe departure day: 11.6. esc medien kunst labor: Bürgergasse 5, 8010 Graz groundfloor - visibility and value – How can we make this project more visible to the public? What does it do for society? How can people engage with the project/Rosa? -> monitor to the outside ## Work Sessions 9am breakfast 10am, start of workshop 1pm - 2.30pm Lunch Break Body warm up in every session - Reni **Thursday morning:** setting up Rosa Morning session part I: plugging Rosa and logging on We started the day with coffee and a very nice breakfast with amazing bread and strawberries and jam. Reni gently woke us up with a body warm up of 10 minutes. After having arrived in the space and our bodies for the second time (and this time for real), we started unpacking Rosa and connected her to the network at ESC MKL. Linda, Antonia and Nina had not logged onto Rosa before, so we took some time to explain how Rosa is set up with the magic Varia hub portal and logged in, failed because we were not on the same network (wifi versus ethernet), and then succeeded after restarting etherpad lite. We were blocked in the process because we didn't generate a public key yet for everyone. We found the documentation and perhaps we could add a section on how to generate a public key (added a note to this page about it https://hub.vvvvvvaria.org/rosa/pad/p/varia-hub-documentation) Afternoon session We created teams of 2 (and one of 3) and discussed the questions and prompts that the ESC MKL crew put together. See below: Politics of Technology; What influence does technology have on our lives? How did it change our perception of the world? How is femimism / being a woman* influenced by technology? How can we have an impact now and/or in the future? FORM? -> DUOS incl reporting to all + 2nd method for exchange thematical focus points -> short statements on little pieces of paper, also emtpy ones for additional questions to get the discussion started – Time: making a feminist calendar; indemendently from religion (comparable to the calendar of the french revolution). What are the most important events of feminist history? – Rituals: Human interaction is strongly tied to rituals. Are there any rituals in the context of technology? – Encounter: counselling between Humans and Machines – Context: How do we interact with technology. What are our individual histories of learning and understanding new technologies? How does our age/race/culture/gender affect this? – Empowerment: How does technology empower women & non-binary people? How did this change? Are there new forms of empowerment? e.g. twitch etc. … – Negative impacts of technology: What are negative implications of women & non-binary people's lives? e.g. unsolicited images, stalking etc. – Censorship and Survailance: chatcontroll EU what is happening? – Philosophy of Technology: e.g. Permacomputing, technological determinism etc. Margarethe arrives and we wait one second :) Each buddy team shares what they discussed. First up are Reni and ooooo and Antonia. 9/10 june - what was an important event in feminist history - reverse time . Syncronisation of time, what is Rosa time? They discussed perception of time and how time is ordered (clocks, coordination, perception of own lives in that regard). Everything you do is determined with this external time instead of how you perceive it. They thought about Rosa && in which time Rosa is when she's not connected and how can we get a grasp on that. Rosa is slow, does that mean she is not efficient? It takes time, slowness. Velocity. No time or still time. Virtual time, parallel time and ... temporal vacuum or temporal void (is that where she is when she is traveling?). They discussed different ways of perceiving time, non-lineair, cyclical. Rythm analysis, would be a practice to analyse spaces through what is done in a space over time (what happens linearly, durationally, periodically, cyclically). Could be a practice to experiment with. Through bodies we absorb rythm of surroundings, body as a tool, space consituted through this. Rooted in Marxist theory. Interpret what we do and be disobedient to certain rythms. Boycot certain rythms push onto us by capitalist logic. It is also used in AI and algorithms... theorists use rythm analysis in relation to digital processes (AI for instance). Predictive algorithms and their effect on our perception of time. How to inhabitat time which is happening ahead of us. Wendy mentions communication via drum rythms and semophores, via repeating patterns of sounds or visual rythms. Repeated over distances. Next group is Nina and Marloes naive question / technoloempowernment? – Empowerment: How does technology empower women? How did this change? Are there new forms of empowerment? e.g. twitch etc. … .eg Sexwork - onlyfans - social media Platform where u can moderate and share content for money (also nude and sexrelated) - can be empowering for the sexworkers to be selfdetermined There is [ paradox ] on access to public/audience, terms and to have revenue in relation to big tech or decentralize federated tech. With big corporate platforms you have bigger audience, more revenue but you are captured by the platform because it is based on their terms and they don't contribute to your precarity or don't sustain your life. With small safe spaces you work on ur own terms but u reach less people, it can be safer and more dedicated but how to generate ?rewenew? without falling in same traps - bsp. Mastodon - shield from edgelords and focus on 'only fans' - what is empowernment??? depends on what ur goals are. + what is the context - media litteracy : it is not about that new media have to be more empowering but to have the knowledge what you want to use technologies for and have the understanding Next group is Wendy and Linda, who took the cencorship and surveillance topic, linking it with a feminist view on both scopes. Then tried to connect that to Rosa. chatcontrol? Proposal on eu level - undo encryption, in particular situation as a provider of services - surveil on communication service - small infra/structures cannot monitor and collect big data to integrate in its infrastructure --> this kills small providers, or even signal What is chatcontrol? Proposal on EU level to undo encryption on chat, email, etc. Being able to undo that in particular situations. This would make it possible to surveil communications. Small structures and infrastructures do not have the means to surveil or monitor communications, yet GAFAM already do it. Reason was to be able to detect child pornography. The proposal is about being able to undo end to end encryption. It would kill small providers. Also there is the case of Signal, that doesn't want to follow this, and would become illegal (already is in Belgium???). Heading towards Chinese surveillance system, keeping track of all communications. Machine learning - motors of analizing data, machine vision - image recognition (nudity) - cultural differences Thinking about image recognition and recognizing nudity for instance. What is considered nude is very different in different cultures. Who is going to determine what is suspicious, what is too nude etc. What should you monitor? Word combinations, images, how do you analyse, them? everybodyis a suspect. Whos gains from this? Qui bono? Community based solutions to manage cultural differences. book: feminist surveilance studies: serveilance is given to law and police enforcement Standards: do we tweak them, break them, renegotiate them? Who asks the questions? Decentralised response: one of the ways small infrastructures respond is by staying small, shielding themselves. Trust in big tech is gone. Why? Why is that a proposal? Is it about saving money? Law enforcement takes surveillance as answer, why? Back to local community: taking machine time into account says Wendy while the notes appear on the screen with a fat delaaaaaaaay (machine time). Rosa? Chat in the Pad, encrypted? No. Smaller communities would need ways to obfuscate communication than encryption if the proposal becomes law. No log communities were a response to a law making keeping log files for a very long time mandatory. This proposal is a mess. It's not very feminist. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!!!!! **Thursday afternoon:** What will happen in the future? *Speculative Design Workshop* OR something else: – introduction – recap – continuation of the discussion from the morning; how to make public the conversations that are happening here Possible frameworks: - scenario building: stories about what the world might look like tomorrow. What are the most important technological, social and political forces to consider? How certain are we about each of these forces? - backcasting: working backwards from a chosen scenario. Working backwards in time, breaking down the steps needed to achieve the prospective goal. - artifacts from the future: Items that an archeologist traveling ten years into the future would bring back to illustrate daily life back then. - futures wheel: exploring the direct and indirect implications of a product, service or technology. - fictional narrative: articulate scenarios in a compelling way. We went into new groups of two and continued the conversations around the topics from the morning. Then we came back to report. Alice & Nina - rituals ritual of packing up Rosa, unpacking and turning on connect with Rosa and communicate with each other visualization of what is going on in the server consent discussions looking into the logs Do we want to document what is going on or not? Looking into making art with Rosa? looking into logs and understand what is happening, interact with rosa is that way Reni & Cristina - Rituals Time and rituals time in a non-linear way the direction of time clockwise Thinking of time in a nonlinear way. Clockwise direction coming from sundial on northern hemisphere. This influenced pereption of time. Resistance against this with a counterclockwise clock :) Witches generating energy for spells with clockwise and counterclockwise movements. Rituals with humancentric conotation but there are many rituals in nature (although there is the role of observation there). Rituals as a form of survival. Drinking coffee and sunflower moves with the sun. What rituals do we do ourselves. Religious connotations are problematic. Routines versus rituals. Wasted bandwidth. Collective dinner, the cooking itself became the performance and everybody took responsibility in each step Turning routines into rituals. Pick a computational routine and turn it into a ritual (idea for tomorrow? Speaking about coffee; script that is running in the start of rosa) should some routines (rituals?) be automatized - -such as starting the etherpads manually on rosa in bolivia maybe the time is literally going on the oppsite direction than the clocks here routine vs rituals a routine is necessary A routine is something that is necessary, a ritual is something that doesn't necessarily perform a utilitarian function, but has a symbolical or transcendental meaning. You don't need it for your survival, but you need it for your wellbeing. A protocol, computing without protocols is problematic You have to feel something in a ritual. How do we appropriate a term like ritual? What is lost and gained when using such a term in another context? Shrine rituals get easily appropriated Sometimes it becomes very artificial, not connected to something historically, shared by a group. Ritual: you share soemthing larger It needs context, and embeddedness into larger whole. "But how can we define a ritual as ancient as the Agnicayana as algorithmic? To many, it may appear an act of cultural appropriation to read ancient cultures through the paradigm of the latest technologies. Nevertheless, claiming that abstract techniques of knowledge and artificial metalanguages belong uniquely to the modern industrial West is not only historically inaccurate but also an act and one of implicit epistemic colonialism towards cultures of other places and other times." Three Thousand Years of Algorithmic Rituals: The Emergence of AI from the Computation of Space https://hortense.memoryoftheworld.org/Matteo%20Pasquinelli/Three%20Thousand%20Years%20of%20Algorithmic%20Rituals%20(9851)/Three%20Thousand%20Years%20of%20Algorithmic%20Ritual%20-%20Matteo%20Pasquinelli.pdf wendy & angeliki - Philosophy of Technology: e.g. Permacomputing Permacomputing definition reading from permacomputing.net. Trying to not be invasive, introducing something new, but relating to what is there. Seems like aikido, using the energy of your opponent. Soil care. That was not on the wiki. Repairability in design itself. Minimizing energy use and doing away with planned obsolescense. Finding other ways to compute. Doesn't have to be high-tech. Instead of tilling, plowing and extracting, using what is there and processes naturally occuring like companion species (is that how it is called? plants that grow well together). long term hardware, minimize resources Use the heat of your cpu to keep your tea warm. Back to Rosa -> who is on it? Resource use. If we are with too many on the pad, it becomes to heavy for Rosa. Monitoring also takes resources. Making Rosa lighter? Or less bit heavy. Cron job and etherpump takes a lot of CPU cycles. Rosa could suggest us to take breaks! Can we make certain processes lighter? Etherpad-lite is not light for instance. If we are writing together in the same space, we could write locally and put it on the pad later for example. Frugal locality with interrelationship. if you could do that, why put it on a pad? because you want to be back with the world. the world could still see it, but not document it rosa is pimped: 2 ventilators, heat sink. maybe the heat generated should go somewhere else Feminist server manifesto is very relevant, the not being available all the time. changing the frequency of the cronjob can make some processes fragile, there should be some choices Plants that put minerals in the earth and a pillow :) Construction of wildness Feminist practices are very relevant to susteinable practices but are not recognised. Same with indigenous practice. crontab for root @reboot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/external_disk/ 0 3 * * * dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 | gzip -c > /mnt/external_disk/backup_image.img.gz 37 10 * * * /bin/sh /home/ccl/backup.sh >/tmp/cron.log 2>&1 crontab for friend */5 * * * * cd /srv/etherpump && sh cron.sh > cron.log 2>&1 */5 * * * * cd /srv/distribusi && sh cron.sh > cron.log 2>&1 The people who wrote the Feminist Server Manifesto are now commenting on it, because it started to feel monolithic. Femke Snelting, Cristina and Jara Rocha and Karl Moubarak. Group from Indonesia and Turkey as well as others based in The Netherlands but from different countries, annotated the manifesto. A type of versioning. Trying to trigger more versions. Aggeliki with the FHM worked also on the feminist manifesto during the feminist hack meetings (mostly discussed about it and we made a diagram as a step before even commenting on the manifesto https://vvvvvvaria.org/archive/Feminist-Hack-Meetings/FHM0_20_signal-2020-03-04-190725.jpg) Jara uses it in their teaching and annotates it with their students Relearn has been annotating the FSM also There are many versionings already :) Including the pad itself, which is a version of the FSM: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/feministserver Git notes standard git feature where you can annotate commits (also other ppls). Relearn 2019 in Rotterdam: Read the manifesto and make executable commands on the server inspired by that; using hooks; commands that were written on the pad Luke created a hook that loaded scripts from a pad, making it more accessible. To change for instance the greeting message and other system messages: https://gitlab.com/relearn/relearn2019/-/blob/master/relearn.local/var/www/html/etherdump/publish/hooks Luke & Marloes - permacomputing protestantism vs catholicism to get to know each other the politics of permaculture book perennials localisation is inevitable localization is inevidable, they were developing their ideas on permaculture, that cannot be applied everywhere. Activist gatehring related to Gelderloos, solutions are laready here, working with what is already there (related permacomputing) People believe that any human interaction is bad and we should erase humans but humans can also help, computing can help as long as it can have an impact on human societies that can help them strengthen ecosystems asparagus is a perennial vegetable; 7 year cycle and then you throw the roots again; you have to get rid of it afterwards and it is hard and bad for the soil; serial monogamy. esp not white asparagus. they do acknowledge serial crops one of the things permaculture associated with transition times. nowadays everywhere is permaculture. now everyone is building a lasagna. layered approach. Lasagna: strawballs, leaves from the area, etc. layering as soil care. Alex, linda, oooooo – Encounter: counselling between Humans and Machines It started partly from wanting to talk about Rosa more concretely. Linda had her first encountering with Rosa this morning. They spoke of languages and how you need to find the language to connect to Rosa. Commandline is in English. They were thinking about the counselling word. What does it mean? They got into voice assistants and coding as therapy; What is the encounter between a human and a machine in for instance voice assistant interactions. It's humanizing the machine. For some people it helps with access to machines, dyslexic or people who cannot type etc. Autocorrect and different languages gets very weird and messy. They defended the door to ESC from intruders haha :) autocompletion and autocorrection makes us depend on these kinds of systems. eg China where the typing is different. 'computer' in chinese Are there other languages besides English in computing (at the level of the OS?) Electrical Brain is the word for Computer in Chinese. Electrical is the same word as lightning. ordinateur - computer anthropomorhisinganthropomorphising "to meet Rosa for the first time" Anthropomorphizing computers... Alex never met Rosa. Levels of comfort when anthropomorphizing objects. In South-Korea relating to robots and computers very differently than here, because things can have a spirit. not as reluctant to anthropomorphise as in the west. Emotional connection becomes perhaps easier when anthopomorphizing. Yet is also sexualized (in certain contexts). Server and slave related terms. Computer is a tool but when you give it a name it is something else what is rosa? the data? the hardware? the network? the people here? In Rotterdam they've been calling Rosa 'they' to think in multiples instead of one determined thing/person. Rethinking how they want to relate to it. alienating to go back to the human and not transform ourselves in different concepts. concept from butoh performance, for example to transform the negative feelings to air but then you transform yourself to the smell of that air. or the shadow of a coat that is hanging from a nail. Shapeshifting. shapeshifting, transposing constantly Robotics hard to discuss without anthropomizing or talking about it without using organic terms. on the spectrum of neurodiversity it seems that there some kind of personas that talk to the machines. In this spectrum not the same emotional feel therapeutic aspect of counseling Neurodiversity somehow links to working with computers Niki - a therapist working with VR idea: humans and computers going into a therapy session together 5pm – 6pm guided tour of the exhibition at esc 6pm break 7pm: Visit mur.at in general and systerserver as one of the projects hosted by at mur.at, Dinner there, Address: Leitnergasse 7, 8010 Graz, groundfloor Update jean - older bare metal machine which we want to use for monitoring *** located at mur.at and needs Debian 11 to reanimate. **Friday morning:** Who/What is Rosa? Hands-on Workshop with vvvvvvaria – traveling Rosa – can this concept be improved, server switched on while traveling? Offer more possibilities also for outsiders? In which way is rosa different from systerserver or anachaserver? – Rosa’s free will: Can you code free will? Is there free will? – Rosa’s protest: master–slave relationship; who is making choices, who is following orders? – Should Rosa be switched off in the end? celebration of project completion? **Friday afternoon:** How can we create a better future? Socialising & Cryptoparty, Funkfeuer, Realraum?, Epicenter – Understanding Technology: Collecting info graphics and metapors to understand concepts. Making illustrations and of complex data structures. Deciphering information in order to make it more accessible for everyone. Enabeling people to make informed decisions. – Power relationships: How to deal with power inbalances? Centralised vs. distributed networks etc. – Feminism: Does the Feminist Server Manifesto need rewriting? https://areyoubeingserved.constantvzw.org/Summit_afterlife.xhtml Evening: get-together @esc mkl To do on Friday: - to look at the magic words file - etherpad restart at the beginning - currently the command to do this is sudo systemctl restart etherpad-lite - replace message of 502 error - look into how many people the pads can hold and why - play a startup tune, or other sounds to say what the status is (GPIO, or speaker) - speculative fiction writing 10:30-11:30 looking into thisali 11:30 get together for the speculation Blow up pipelines? Tadzio Müller and Andreas Malm on what next for the climate movement https://podcast.dissenspodcast.de/123-climate 18:00-20:00 presentation moment