__PUBLISH__ __VARIA__ consenting made during consent concerns exercise, varia, 26-03-22 while sitting on the terrace of RIB in intense sunshine this is a series of drafts WITH ROSA I consent that all materials can be used for creative purposes while maintaining responsibility for maintaing Varia' Code of Conduct [https://varia.zone/en/pages/code-of-conduct.html] you are consneting to being with Rosa, learning, attempting, failing, while getting to know the work of others and letting them know your work too. be considerate of each others constent's space that is being created, used and collectively sustained (through the care that was, still is and will be performed) In this space there are also others. Your actions effect their server lives. Listen carefully as you step inside. For the sake of knowledge distribution we have decided to keep the contents of this server as open as possible, on the condition that you consent to share and care for it responsibly. Hello consent! You are welcome to be with Rosa, and to sense together what to start, stop, erase, share, make or unmake. We consent to commit in the knowledge distribution process (sharing and receiving) when possible, to understand better the implications of our uses of the server, and take concious and effective responsibility for these. This space we share is not fixed, it welcomes the in betweens and asks for our trust and respect of all possible layers. The ways of arriving somewhere can provide knowledge for others. WITH ROSA AGAIN Hello! You are welcome to change Rosa, and the changed by it / them / her Rosa? Welcome to this precious server space. We behave with consciousness, care and respect for ach others space and work, and for the collective, by engaging energy and thought in understanding the implications our our uses. Being with Rosa, you are consenting to be with, and in amongst, the works of others. Here we try to be attentive to collective needs, labours and desires. Your actions affect Rosas life. Take concious nd effective responsibility for her / them / it / Rosa.