language: en
"Our work recognizes protocols as political and rejects the toxicity of extractivist practices, destructive appropriation, and the lock and key model of access. Instead, we take a considered approach to what circulation means and who it might benefit or harm. We seek forms of work that function as soft filters rather than templates, embrace freeform formats and ways of working that avoid becoming calcified and prescriptive, and activate protocols that solidify and amplify practices in a responsive way while maintaining locally defined values. We look for convivial ways to index, link, and rewrite (new) stories and publish them in a way that sustains both our own work and the members of a network of individuals and institutions with whom we work in solidarity."
- <small>From: Becoming Sponge: Sustaining Practice Through Protocols of Web Publishing by Michael Murtaugh <https://march.international/becoming-sponge-sustaining-practice-through-protocols-of-web-publishing/></small>
In this pad you find the soft structure for the different chapters in the printed ATNOFS publication that we're working towards all together.
Each chapter does their own editorial work: choosing what to publish, in what order, in which languages, etc. The makers of the chapter are welcome to recalibrate this structure as they see fit. This soft structure is a proposal, not a prescription.
X = initiative hosting the chapter
# Traversing in the middle
## Who, what, where: A short introduction of X
## Crossings: How is ATNOFS crossing with other projects, research, initiatives that X is or has been involved in?
## Rhythms: What was the preparation work wrapped around with? What did you eat, watch or listen to while preparing the chapter?
## Logs: A gathering of traces of preparational work, such as software installations + links + readings + ...
# Gathering traversally: ATNOFS @ X
## Introduction: What are the angles, focus points and questions of this chapter?
## Program: A listing of the activities that took place during the two days
## Contingencies: A short description of the space, geopolitical time, people, weather, food, moods, ...
## Facilitation methods: approaches to hosting, togetherness, sharing moments, introductions, collective guidelines, ...
## Prepared materials: description, notes, (tran)scripts, or images of talks, workshops, artworks, software or essays, ...
## Contributions: documentation of translucide layers of simultaneous activities and other materials that have been generated during the collective moments (description, notes, transcripts, images)
# Continuing traversally
## Sparkles and packages: What is X passing on to the next chapters and/or other layers of networks? A list of summaries, descriptions, scripts, thoughts, jokes, recipes.
# Anexos
## Bios
## ...
# Colophon
## Who was there
## Editors
## Transcribers
## Translators
## ...