Welcome! ---
language: en



In this pad you find the soft structure for the different chapters in the printed ATNOFS publication that we're working towards all together.

Each chapter does their own editorial work: choosing what to publish, in what order, in which languages, etc. The makers of the chapter are welcome to recalibrate this structure as they see fit. This soft structure is a proposal, not a prescription. 

X = initiative hosting the chapter


# Traversing in the middle

## Who, what, where: A short introduction of X
## Crossings: How is ATNOFS crossing with other projects, research, initiatives that X is or has been involved in?
## Rhythms: What was the preparation work wrapped around with? What did you eat, watch or listen to while preparing the chapter?
## Logs: A gathering of traces of preparational work, such as software installations + links + readings + ...

# Gathering traversally: ATNOFS @ X

## Introduction: What are the angles, focus points and questions of this chapter?
## Program: A listing of the activities that took place during the two days
## Contingencies: A short description of the space, geopolitical time, people, weather, food, moods, ...
## Facilitation methods: approaches to hosting, togetherness, sharing moments, introductions, collective guidelines, ...
## Prepared materials: description, notes, (tran)scripts, or images of talks, workshops, artworks, software or essays, ...
## Contri butions: documentation of translucide layers of simultaneous activities and other materials that have been generated during the collective moments (description, notes, transcripts, images)

# Continuing traversally

## Sparkles and packages: What is X passing on to the next chapters and/or other layers of networks? A list of summaries, descriptions, scripts, thoughts, jokes, recipes.

# Anexos

## Bios
## ...

# Colophon

## Who was there
## Editors
## Transcribers
## Translators 
## ...