folding from rosa by Sergiu: <3

folding from howto-social-with-friends-day1 by None: is folding still happening?

folding from howto-social-with-friends-day2 by None: we've added the documentation of LURK and HYPHA to the main page

folding from howto-social-with-friends-day2 by None: if you add __PUBLISH__ to the pads, they will become visible on the main page

folding from howto-social-with-friends-day2 by None: we've added the documentation of LURK and HYPHA to the main page

folding from howto-social-with-friends-day2 by None: rosa has overheated, so we have moved to varia pads

folding from consenting-with-rosa-from-varia by : hello

folding from consenting-with-rosa-from-varia by p_p: these words of consenting are there to be renegotiated, rearranged, and reformulated, maybe by you!

folding from varia.hello by None: a rosa is a rosa is a rosa

folding from varia.begin by strt: possibly the folds are folding but possibly not

folding from varia.begin by p_p: I learnt of the possibilities of making a waterproof casing for Rosa, from someone else's knowledge in the room.

folding from varia.begin by None: i like this fold thing and how we made lil folds in rosa's coat/home. Folds that can hold messages soft and hard

folding from varia.begin by None: i learned how to use the sewing machine! Thank you teachers

folding from rosa by Blabla: Definitely an interesting discussion that I’m looking forward to continuing. I leared a lot about the plans/intentions/whishes of the people involved.

folding from rosa by strt: struggling to fold

folding from rosa by xm: timsestamp, a little second

folding from languageswithoutwalls by None: who is sudo should be a continuous participatory process. introduce a collective sudo: sudo commands can only by written by a collective of people

folding from languageswithoutwalls by : ooops.. such as: command = "echo 'comment for a command'; read -n1; command"

folding from languageswithoutwalls by : additional 'caveats' can be added as aliases.. aka how to add a comment to a command... such as: command = "echo comment for a command; read -n1;

folding from languageswithoutwalls by jxxx: aliases as alienating (=othering) language

folding from languageswithoutwalls by jxxx: for the genealogy/narrative, perhaps some new myths could also be invented for the occasion (for the commands to come)

folding from languageswithoutwalls by None: thought of the language group: expand on the narrative of commands: away from the manual. we could think of adding 'nar' (narrative) pages that could also speak of the geneology of terms, why words were chosen ...

folding from languageswithoutwalls by : 'cat' (from catenation) in some distributions is called 'dog' -> if dog is now a verb, dogination

folding from languageswithoutwalls by jxxx: wall as in "write to all"

folding from languageswithoutwalls by : touch command : creates evidence. it is already crossing a boundary without asking for consent. now this command echoes 'would be nice to ask before touch'

folding from languageswithoutwalls by jxxx: true command: do nothing, successfully (really?). the production of truth is not nothing, but rather quite active ;)

folding from languageswithoutwalls by jxxx: man: help manual? too many layers: the immediate masculinize meaning of man, the maspleaning tone which these manuals too often have

folding from languages-within-languages by estragon: We discussed how we can change the language inside rosa server. How can we create multiple aliases for commands that exist already, or how to create new commands.

folding from languages-within-languages by estragon: we were helping each other with terminal commands. We went through some games that help with that in a small group

folding from languages-within-languages by jxxx: true command: do nothing, successfully (really?). the production of truth is not nothing, but rather quite active ;)

folding from languages-within-languages by jxxx: man: help manual? too many layers: the immediate masculinize meaning of man, the maspleaning tone which these manuals too often have

folding from languages-within-languages by e.zn: square 3d pockets for rosa's coat

folding from languages-within-languages by jxxx: Dub

folding from languages-within-languages by jxxx: unit converter command to turn sugar spoons into grams

folding from languages-within-languages by ccl: when you write w, you see who is logged in and what they are doing :S

folding from languages-within-languages by jxxx: a rose is a rose is a rose

folding from consenting-with-rosa-from-varia by None: i like the conversation around concenting with rosa. I like how its not finish, its an ongoing one that can get messy and difucult and sunburned. I will like to see it travel maybe, thanks :)

folding from consenting-with-rosa-from-varia by None: in the morning listening worshop we where the room. We started shy and gradually became a collective body that walked around transmiting sounds to everybody in out way. Rrrrh clok clok jjjjzzzz jjzz ñññññggh

folding from rosa by xm: unfold the subnet to reveal how we can jump

folding from languages-within-languages by : how to bypass commands that are blocked by 'aliasing' out (such as for example wall): "wall"

folding from languages-within-languages by None: when adding yourself as a new user to rosa, you can either use 'adduser' which will give you an account with a home folder and bash. You can also do it the hard way :) with 'useradd' which will give you a barebone account, without homefolder or bash.

folding from languages-within-languages by ccl: it's possible to have two aliases for the same command

folding from languages-within-languages by strt: we're discussing protocols and who gets to name them

folding from languages-within-languages by strt: we're discussing protocols and who gets to name them

folding from languages-within-languages by ccl: "i would love to get to know your current wish list on behalf of rosa's now and future"

folding from rosa-log by mb: changed Rosa's timezone with $ timedatectl

folding from varia.begin by p_p: folding in a collective script to begin our Saturday in Varia

folding from rosa-log by mb: more logs tomorrow

folding from rosa-log by mb: trying to install the command line version of Paged.js, to save PDFs directly to Rosa, but getting stuck at version errors...

folding from rosa-log by mb: adding the logs from the weekly ATNOFS Thursday night dinner meetings of the last months